Gisele Regatao appears in the following:
Sandy Minute-by-Minute: 5 PM, Picking Up the Mail on an Empty Lot
Tuesday, October 29, 2013
Sandy impacted the lives of thousands of people a year ago today. For Lambros Vlachakis, it’s around 5pm that he thinks about it the most. That’s when he hops in his truck and drives from his rental in Toms River across the bridge, to Seaside Heights, New Jersey. He pulls up to the empty gravel lot where his home sat before Sandy damaged it beyond repair.
Sandy Minute-by-Minute: 10 AM, Taking the Great-Grandson to the Park
Tuesday, October 29, 2013
A great grandmother tries to calm a boy's fears about storms.
Sandy Minute-by-Minute: 8 AM, Driving to the Old Neighborhood
Tuesday, October 29, 2013
Thousands of people's lives and daily routines have radically changed as a result of Sandy. Judy Hickerson lived with her husband in Waretown, New Jersey, and she had the maximum amount of flood insurance. But a year after Sandy, she’s still spending her Friday mornings dreaming of the day things will return to normal.
Sandy Minute-by-Minute: 7 PM, From Fine Art to Pure Garbage
Tuesday, October 29, 2013

The impact of Sandy is still being felt by thousands of people, a year later. The Department of Sanitation estimates it collected about 434,740 tons of storm debris citywide.
Sandy Minute-by-Minute: 6 PM Every Sunday, Fast Food Instead of Family Feast
Tuesday, October 29, 2013
Bill Owens and his family essentially lost their house during Sandy. But what he really misses are the family Sunday night dinners.
Sandy Minute-by-Minute: Commuting by Sea at 6:30 AM
Tuesday, October 29, 2013
Life changed for thousands in our region almost a year ago when Sandy blew in. For Raul Romero, a resident of Rockaway Beach, that change is most evident every morning when he boards the Sea-Streak Ferry for his morning commute.
Sandy Minute-by-Minute: At 4 PM, Signs that a School is Back
Tuesday, October 29, 2013
A Troublemaker Who Is Loved by Collectors
Sunday, October 27, 2013
An artist who is revered by collectors has a new show in town.
One NY Artist: Costume Designer Jenn Rogien
Saturday, October 26, 2013
There are thousands of artists is New York City. Some are famous internationally. Others are scratching out a living while perfecting their craft. WNYC is bringing a few of them to the spotlight, in their own voices. Jenn Rogien designs costumes for some of today's most popular television shows, including Netflix's "Orange is the New Black" and HBO's "Girls."
Weekend Staff Picks: Love, Shadow Puppets & Drag Bingo
Saturday, October 26, 2013
"Don't get me wrong, he's a master of self promotion and marketing, but Banksy is all hype. I'm going to check out the Robert Indiana exhibit at the Whitney." -Melinda Woehrle
Gaultier's Corsets for Madonna, Now in a Brooklyn Museum
Saturday, October 26, 2013
Pop star Madonna's pointy corsets are now museum material. They are part of French designer Jean Paul Gaultier's new show at the Brooklyn Museum.
Art Talk: Graffiti — Virtuosity or Vandalism?
Friday, October 25, 2013
Crime is low and rents are high in New York, but graffiti is back.
Sandy Minute-by-Minute: At 7 AM, Living Without a Boardwalk
Monday, October 21, 2013
A Designer Who Shaped Broadway and Freeways
Sunday, October 20, 2013
One NY Artist: Director and Actor Adam Goldman
Saturday, October 19, 2013
There are thousands of artists in New York City. Some are famous internationally, while others are scratching out a living while perfecting their craft in basements or on stage. WNYC is bringing a few of them to the spotlight, in their own voices.
Weekend Staff Picks: Smorgasburg, Documentaries & Album Art
Saturday, October 19, 2013
"I'm just going to walk around and eat," said Lee Hernandez, newsroom producer, on this weekend's Smorgasburg food festival in Williamsburg and DUMBO.
The Stars of Broadway and Hollywood, as Viewed by Hirschfeld
Saturday, October 19, 2013
The portraits that defined American culture for 80 years are on display in a new show.
Brooklyn Philharmonic, Innovative But Sounding a Troubled Tune
Friday, October 18, 2013
The 60-year-old Philharmonic faces an uncertain future: the website has been offline for months and its music director is no longer with the orchestra. Can Brooklyn be a home to classical music?
'Vaping' While Dining
Thursday, October 17, 2013
Ten years after Mayor Michael Bloomberg banned smoking in New York City bars and restaurants, diners are puffing away again. But now, they are "vaping," or smoking e-cigarettes.
A Nude Descending a Staircase, 100 Years Later
Sunday, October 13, 2013
The show that introduced Americans to cubism and changed modern art is back, partly, 100 years later.