Julianne Welby appears in the following:
Bronx Museum Continues Free Admission
Thursday, March 07, 2013
The Bronx Museum of the Arts will extend its free admission policy through 2015. That's thanks to a $500,000 gift from Shelly and Donald Rubin, the couple behind the Rubin Museum of Art.
New Yorkers Remember Hugo Chávez
Wednesday, March 06, 2013
Dozens of New Yorkers paid their respects to the late Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez on Wednesday.
New York Assembly Votes to Ban Fracking for Two More Years
Wednesday, March 06, 2013
The New York State Assembly has approved, by a 95 to 40 vote, a two-year moratorium on hydrofracking in New York. While it’s unlikely to be passed in the Senate, the action reflects state lawmakers’ growing worries about potential health impacts from the natural gas drilling process.
Poll: Catholic Church Hierarchy is Out of Touch
Wednesday, March 06, 2013
American Catholics feel the church’s hierarchy is out of touch with their needs and concerns, according to a new poll by the New York Times and CBS News.
Lhota Defends Giuliani from 'Jerk' Comment
Wednesday, March 06, 2013

Republican mayoral candidate Joseph Lhota embraced his former boss, Mayor Rudy Giuliani, at a Republican-only mayoral debate hosted by Crain’s New York Business on Wednesday after moderator and columnist Greg David called 2001-era Giuliani a “jerk.”
Low-Income Heating Oil Program for New Yorkers Continues After Death of Backer Hugo Chavez
Wednesday, March 06, 2013
A program that provides home heating oil for low-income New Yorkers is safe for now despite the death of one of its chief backers — former Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez.
Catholic Conversations: Nuns on the Papal Transition
Wednesday, March 06, 2013

As the Catholic Church begins the process of selecting its next leader, WNYC's Amy Eddings is hosting conversations with Catholics to find out what anxieties, concerns and hopes they have during this time of transition. We're hearing this week from two nuns.
Roosevelt Island Seeks to Put Cameras on Safety Officers
Wednesday, March 06, 2013
Redesigning NYC's 11,412 Payphones for the Digital Age
Tuesday, March 05, 2013
The 11 semifinalists in the Bloomberg administration's Reinvent Payphones Design Challenge imagined payphone kiosks with air pollution sensors, solar-powered cell phone chargers and screens controlled by hand gestures and voice commands.
NY Minimum Wage Bill Stalls in State Senate
Tuesday, March 05, 2013
The New York State Assembly on Tuesday approved a measure to increase New York’s minimum wage, but the measure is facing resistance in the State Senate.
New York Senate Republicans Push for Tax Breaks in Budget Negotiations
Monday, March 04, 2013
Senate Republicans are pushing for middle class tax breaks in the new state budget, including a return to the STAR property tax rebate checks curtailed in 2009.
City Projects $800M Sequester Hit
Monday, March 04, 2013
City officials are sizing up the impact of the federal government's sequestration cuts. At a city council hearing on the Mayor Bloomberg's preliminary budget proposal Monday, Mark Page, the director of the city's Office of Management and Budget, said the city faced a potential $800 million loss of funds.
Holocaust Survivors Reflect on Astounding New Findings
Sunday, March 03, 2013
The number of camps and ghettos established by Nazi Germany is far more than previously believed, and the findings are shocking both scholars and descendants of Holocaust victims and survivors.
Thousands Join Anti-Gun Control Rally
Thursday, February 28, 2013
A rally against New York’s newly enacted gun control laws drew one of the largest crowds to the State Capitol in recent decades.
Catholic Conversations: Priests on the Papacy
Thursday, February 28, 2013

Hospitals, Researchers to be Hard Hit by Sequester
Thursday, February 28, 2013
If automatic spending cuts poised to kick in at midnight Thursday, $85 billion will come out of the federal budget – and healthcare, in particular hospitals, will get a larger slice of those cuts than any sector other than the military.
Areas of Staten Island Hard Hit by Sandy Mull Buyout Option
Monday, February 25, 2013
A Staten Island neighborhood where three people died during Sandy will be the first to get state-sponsored home buyouts. Governor Andrew Cuomo outlined the planned program during a visit to the borough on Monday.
Sequester Cuts Would Mean Millions Lost in Education Funds
Monday, February 25, 2013
Automatic Federal Cuts Would Hit Sandy Aid
Sunday, February 24, 2013

The cuts in federal spending called for by the debt ceiling deal between the Republican-controlled Congress and President Obama in 2011 are set to take effect Friday and without some last minute reprieve, the cuts will have an impact on Sandy reconstruction efforts.
Catholic Conversations: The Young Faithful on the Papacy
Saturday, February 23, 2013