Janet Babin appears in the following:
New Jersey More Prone to Flooding Post Sandy
Friday, March 29, 2013

Toms River, N.J. —
Up and down the New Jersey coast, municipalities from Sea Bright to Ortley Beach are reporting increased incidences of flooding, even in places that don’t normally flood. But officials don’t agree on why it’s happening or how to stop it.
Noreaster Strikes Sandy Scarred Areas
Friday, March 08, 2013

Residents in many New Jersey coastal communities battered by Sandy watched with dread this week as wind swirled and flood waters spilled onto highways and door steps as the latest Nor'easter unfurled up the east coast.
New Jersey Shore Prepares for Nor'easter
Wednesday, March 06, 2013

NY Singles Out Unresponsive Insurers Post Sandy
Thursday, February 21, 2013

Thousands of Sandy victims have complained since soon after the storm struck that their insurance companies were failing to help them in a timely manner. Now, New York State’s Department of Financial Services has vindicated those complaints – at least somewhat.
After Sandy: Midland Beach
Thursday, January 31, 2013
Bob Dennis, parish manager for St. Margaret Mary Roman Catholic Church in Midland Beach talks about how the parish is recovering from Sandy and what the community needs to keep going. Also, Christine Mignone-Morena, owner of Bedazzle Dance Studio on Midland Ave., talks about reopening her business and how the students in her classes are responding to the damage in the community and Tracy Lotz, homeowners and member of the board of the Midland Beach Alliance, talks about her experience as a homeowner, and what new flood zone maps might mean for Midland Beach residents.
Also, Janet Babin, WNYC reporter, checks in from Freeport, New York on her road trip from Cape May to Montauk.
#CoastCheck Update: Wednesday, January 30
Wednesday, January 30, 2013
WNYC’s Janet Babin and Amy Pearl continue their post-Sandy #CoastCheck by talking with residents in Broad Channel, the sliver of Queens sandwiched between Howard Beach and the Rockaways. People there are still struggling to make their homes habitable.
#Coastcheck Update: Tuesday, January 29
Tuesday, January 29, 2013
Reporter Janet Babin made another stop along the Jersey Shore before heading to Staten Island Tuesday. She said Highlands, New Jersey still resembles a disaster area, but before the community can move forward, residents have to decide how to rebuild.
#CoastCheck: Making Money Off Sandy
Tuesday, January 29, 2013
Janet Babin checks in from the next stop on her road trip from Cape May to Montauk. Also, WNYC's Robert Lewis discusses his reporting on what companies have gotten lucrative contracts post-Sandy -- and the economics of a disaster.
Rebuild or Retreat from the Jersey Shore?
Monday, January 28, 2013

Three months after Sandy, some New Jersey shore communities remain uninhabitable, without utilities and other amenities. There’s a rush to rebuild, but some geologists endorse what they call "strategic retreat" from the ocean front, especially on barrier islands.
To Rebuild or Not to Rebuild After Sandy
Monday, January 28, 2013
Janet Babin, WNYC Reporter, discusses her story on the question of whether to rebuild after Sandy--and talks about her road trip along the coast from Cape May all the way to Montauk.
Follow the #CoastCheck Roadtrip
Monday, January 28, 2013
As communities struggle with the question of whether to rebuild or retreat after Sandy, WNYC reporter Janet Babin and videographer Amy Pearl are touring coastal towns.
What Kids Want from Obama's Next Four Years
Monday, January 21, 2013

Child advocates interviewed the nation’s children about what they want out of President Obama’s second term. The groups have compiled a video of the responses, and want President Obama to watch it.
A Look at the Challenges of Rebuilding the Jersey Shore
Thursday, January 17, 2013
Seaside Heights Rebuilds After Sandy
Monday, January 14, 2013

Even after Sandy destroyed the boardwalk and flooded dozens of local businesses, the borough of Seaside Heights, NJ is determined to open its summer season by May 10.
EPA Proposes Gowanus Canal Cleanup Plan
Thursday, December 27, 2012

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has released its proposal to clean up the Gowanus Canal in Brooklyn.
NRA's Solution for Gun Violence Gets Support from Local Enthusiasts
Friday, December 21, 2012

Some local gun enthusiasts are vigorously supporting the NRA's proposal to place armed guards in schools.
At Town Hall, Christie Receives Praise for Handling of Sandy
Thursday, December 20, 2012
New Jersey Governor Chris Christie held his first town hall meeting since Sandy caused major damage to the state. He told the town hall audience in Belmar that the state still has "big problems and big challenges" to deal with seven weeks after the storm.
Beach Dunes Spark a Battle After Sandy
Monday, December 17, 2012

Despite ample evidence that big sand dunes protected some of New Jersey's coastal towns from Sandy's storm surge, the idea faces opposition from many local residents who don't want to give up their land or view.
Development Near Gowanus Canal Moves Forward After Sandy
Monday, November 26, 2012

The Lightstone Group is moving ahead with plans to build a 700-unit apartment complex near the Gowanus Canal, even though the site flooded during Sandy.