Robert Lewis appears in the following:
Indian Point Opponents Speak Out at NRC Hearing
Tuesday, May 14, 2013
Environmental groups and anti-nuclear activists continue to spar with business and labor leaders over the future of the Indian Point nuclear plant, the 40-year-old plant that sits 24 miles north of New York City.
Indian Point Gets Failing Grade for Safety, Critics Say
Tuesday, May 14, 2013
The Indian Point nuclear power plant is failing in all areas of safety and needs to close, a coalition of environmental activists, safe energy groups and current and former politicians charged today.
Indian Point Nuclear Plant Draws Mixed Grades from Feds, Activists
Tuesday, May 14, 2013

A coalition of environmental groups, citizens' organizations and current and former officials are renewing their call for the closure of the Indian Point nuclear power plant. This comes as federal regulators are preparing to discuss the plant's annual safety assessment at a meeting Tuesday night.
Trouble at Lake Grove and the Lessons for Nonprofit Schools
Wednesday, May 01, 2013
Robert Lewis, WNYC investigative reporter, discusses his reporting on allegations of financial mismanagement and abuse at two nonprofit, special education schools run by the Lake Grove School Network -- both of which are almost entirely funded with taxpayer money.
Con Ed Execs Return Bonuses
Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Consolidated Edison executives are returning $614,400 in bonuses they got apiece for leading the utility during a tumultuous 2012 that including Sandy when Lower Manhattan was plunged into darkness for days.
Allegations of Malfeasance at Lake Grove School...Again
Friday, April 26, 2013

Pol at Center of Corruption Scandal Allegedly Lied in 2008 Case
Wednesday, April 10, 2013

The 2009 indictment that allowed the United States Attorney’s Office to turn a Bronx assemblyman into a mole was unsealed Wednesday in Bronx County Supreme Court.
Advocates Try To Keep 'Stop and Frisk' at Heart of Campaign
Sunday, April 07, 2013

The Urban Justice Center, a liberal advocacy organization, is trying to make sure police reform stays a major focus of the mayor's race this year.
Schneiderman Moves To Distance Himself From Corruption Case
Thursday, April 04, 2013

Attorney General Eric Schneiderman is trying to keep as far away as possible from the corruption scandal engulfing State Senator Malcolm Smith and others.
Bloomberg Donated Big to County GOP Committees
Wednesday, April 03, 2013

Corruption Charges Mean Tough Questions for GOP Hopefuls
Tuesday, April 02, 2013

The arrest of State Senator Malcolm Smith, City Councilman Daniel Halloran and two Republican party leaders on corruption charges was the elephant in the room at a GOP mayoral candidate forum Tuesday night.
Conn. Lawmakers Announce Agreement on Gun Control
Monday, April 01, 2013

Connecticut lawmakers have reached an agreement on a gun control proposal almost four months after a school shooting in Newtown left 20 kids and six educators dead.
Connecticut Lawmakers Close to Vote on Gun Control
Monday, April 01, 2013

Connecticut lawmakers are poised to vote this week on a gun control bill almost four months after the deadly shooting rampage at an elementary school in Newtown.
Cuomo Might Relax Part of New Gun Law
Thursday, March 21, 2013

When Governor Andrew Cuomo and his staff huddled with lawmakers earlier this year to craft the toughest gun control law in the country, he wanted to limit the capacity of magazines from 10 bullets down to five.
The Post-Sandy Rebuilding Rush
Thursday, March 07, 2013
WNYC investigative reporter Robert Lewis discusses a government-approved $776 million effort to rebuild in flood-prone areas, as a WNYC and ProPublica investigation revealed.
After Sandy, Government Lends to Rebuild in Flood Zones
Wednesday, March 06, 2013

If Staten Island’s Great Kills Marina Cafe is able to reopen this spring after Sandy ripped apart its interior – blowing out windows and punching through walls – it will be thanks to assistance from the federal government.
Public or Private LIPA
Friday, March 01, 2013
WNYC investigative reporter Robert Lewis talks about efforts to restructure the Long Island Power Authority after Sandy and his reporting on who gains from privatization.
Long Island's Power Problems Mean Big Paydays for Wall Street
Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Appeals Court Rules Gun License Data Can Be Withheld
Tuesday, February 05, 2013
A New York State appeals court has ruled that the names and addresses of New York City gun permit holders can be kept secret.
New York Gun Owners to NRA: 'Sign Us Up'
Wednesday, January 30, 2013

For 14 years, Harry Jacobs has spent just about every weekend at a gun show, signing up members for the National Rifle Association.