Patricia Willens appears in the following:
First Person: New Yorkers on Being 12
Thursday, March 12, 2015

Twelve is an age when the world starts opening up. Hear these students sound off on topics like bullying, social media, discipline, dating and friendships. It's not easy being 12.
Find 'Hidden Gems' Among NYC Middle Schools
Wednesday, March 11, 2015
A few middle schools get a massive number of applications every year, as if they were the only good options. WNYC unearthed a handful of schools with strong reviews but few applicants.
Middle School: A 'Hot Mess' of Distractions
Tuesday, March 10, 2015
Seventh graders make for curious but easily distracted students. Our Being 12 series looks at the crucial age where teachers and hormones battle for kids’ attention.
12 Things to Know About 'Being 12' in New York City
Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Why does 12 matter? Because that kid you saw on the street or subway is going through major physical and psychological changes, buys a lot and represents the changing face of America.
Being 12: The Most Awkward, Essential Year of Our Lives
Monday, March 09, 2015
Between childhood and adulthood, there’s 12. It's an age when New York City kids start taking control of who they are and where they're headed.
NBC: Young New Yorkers Open Up About Tweenage Years
Sunday, March 08, 2015
NBC New York tees up the Being 12 series with WNYC's Beth Fertig.
New York City Adjusts Pre-K Rules to Attract More Religious Schools
Thursday, February 19, 2015
Schools that were reluctant to join the city's expansion of pre-k because of instructional guidelines won some leeway, including the right to take prayer breaks during the school day.
NBC: Dual Language Schools Offer Elementary Options
Monday, February 09, 2015
New York City's Feb. 18 deadline for kindergarten applications is approaching fast. NBC reports on some expanded options for families.
Telemundo Spreads Kindergarten Admissions Info to Spanish-Speaking NYC Families
Tuesday, February 03, 2015
WNYC's Sarah Gonzalez returns to Telemundo 47 to share the latest information about New York City's dual-language options for kindergarten with Spanish-speaking families.
Spreading the Word About NYC Schools, en Espanol
Tuesday, January 20, 2015
About 40 percent of New York City public school students are Latino. Many of their parents are new to the city, and perhaps new to English. That's why we are airing these TV segments.
New York City Continues Modest Climb in High School Graduation Rates
Thursday, December 18, 2014
More students who started high school in the fall of 2010 finished in four years than those the year before, with the city's graduation rate just over 64 percent.
Bond Act Passage Translates to More Seats in NYC Schools
Wednesday, November 05, 2014
New York City is getting a windfall from the 'smart schools' bond act, to the tune of about $780 million to be spent mostly on making more space in overcrowded schools.
To Help Struggling Schools, de Blasio Invests Rather Than Shuts Down
Monday, November 03, 2014
New York City's mayor set a starkly different tone than his predecessor with his $150 million plan to give the city's worst schools help and time to improve.
Disgruntled Brooklyn Parents Want to Know: Do You Hate the Middle School Search as Much as They Do?
Wednesday, October 22, 2014
"Probably the most stressful parenting endeavor I have yet encountered." That's what one parent said in a survey of District 15 parents about the search for a middle school.
New Research Suggests Small High Schools May Help After All
Friday, October 17, 2014
Findings from a new long-term study of small high schools show the approach may not only boost a student's chances of enrolling in college but also cost less per graduate.
Study: NYC's Small High Schools Boost College Enrollment Rates
Thursday, October 16, 2014
The latest findings from an ongoing review of the small high schools that replaced many of New York's massive schools show more upside, this time in terms of college.
New School Ratings System Eliminates Grades, Emphasizes Quality Reviews
Wednesday, October 01, 2014
New York City Schools Chancellor Carmen Fariña outlined a new way to evaluate schools that minimizes tests scores in favor of more qualitative measures.
Help for NYC Parents Facing Middle School Admissions Maze
Wednesday, September 24, 2014
The process of applying to a New York City public middle school just got a little easier. If you sign up, we'll send a weekly email to guide you through the process, step by step.
Rethinking A Fall Classic: The Parent-Teacher Conference
Thursday, September 18, 2014
So now that students have settled in to the routine of the school year, yet another fall education ritual looms: the parent-teacher conference.
Eric Garner's Family Presses for Officer's Arrest in Chokehold Case
Saturday, August 02, 2014

The Rev. Al Sharpton joined the family of a Staten Island man killed while being detained by the NYPD in calling for legal action. Garner's widow said prosecutors should "do the right...