Alec Hamilton

Senior Producer, WNYC News

Alec Hamilton appears in the following:

States to Watch: The Immigration Battle Takes Shape

Friday, April 22, 2011

The Alabama State Senate yesterday passed legislation to crack down on illegal legislation. The measure, which is similar in tone to Arizona's controversial SB 1070, already passed the House once. It now returns to the House for final approval before heading to the governor's desk for signature.

The national immigration discussion is also well underway. Republican hopefuls for the 2012 presidential nomination have been laying out their opinions on the issue, and President Obama signaled his readiness to renew conversation this week by convening religious, political and business leaders to the White House to talk about federal-level immigration reform.

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Gary Johnson: The Gutsiest Guy You've Never Heard Of

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Gary who?

Okay, we know, you’re maybe not so familiar with the name, unless you lived in New Mexico. You're not alone.

But come on, the man climbed the highest mountains on four different continents, competed in the Bataan Memorial Death March (a 25 mile desert run in combat boots wearing a 35 pound backpack), endured multiple Ironman triathlons, and biked across the Alps


Latest on Immigration

Thursday, April 21, 2011

I don’t think anybody in this country, whether they’re an immigrant, or a US resident, or a politician... is in favor of illegal immigration or illegal immigrants living in this count...

Comments [16]

Know Your Republican Contenders

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

It's almost off-to-the-races time! With only months to go before the first Republican presidential debate, the big question right now is who will run. Some front-runners are remaining...

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Shutdown Showdown

Friday, April 08, 2011

This fight is nothing, this is the sparring match before the main bout... As dramatic as a government shutdown sounds, we are in for a year of these kind of cliff-hanger debates. — S...

Comments [19]

As a Wisconsin Election Takes A Fishy Turn, is the Tea Turning Toxic?

Thursday, April 07, 2011

I think independent voters have seen enough to know they're uncomfortable. I think democratic voters are mobilized. And I think that's a microcosm of what's going on in many places ar...

Comments [16]

A Government Shutdown? But What About My Tax Return?

Thursday, April 07, 2011

With a possible partial federal government shutdown looming, It's A Free Country knows what you are really wondering about.


Cathie Black Steps Down

Thursday, April 07, 2011

The criticism of Cathie Black from the start was that she doesn’t know anything about education when she starts. She walks in, having not ever set foot in a public school building… he...

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Whistleblower Project Results

Friday, April 01, 2011

What we found out, was the hold was placed because of a secret request from the Republican House leadership. — Brooke Gladstone, host and managing editor of WNYC’s On the Media on th...

Comments [15]

Budget Battles

Friday, April 01, 2011

I’m going to vote for the bill that we in the House Republican Conference determine to be the best bill we can bring forward for the American people. It really is that simple. This ...

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Muslim-Americans Rally to Fight Islamophobia

Thursday, March 31, 2011


Muslim organizations and faith leaders from across the city held a press conference today on the steps of City Hall to condemn terrorism, oppose war, denounce Islamophobia, and express support for an April 9th anti-Islamophobia rally. The press conference and the rally are both part of a warm response from area organizations to Senate hearings held earlier this week at the behest of Senator Dick Durbin (D-IL) on "Protecting the Civil Rights of American Muslims".


Sam Roberts' Three Most Interesting Census Tracts

Thursday, March 31, 2011

When you look at the Census as a whole… I think you see a lot of bright signs for New York City, even though the count came in somewhat lower than the city had anticipated. — Sam Rob...

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Durbin to Hold Anti-Muslim Prejudice Hearings

Saturday, March 26, 2011


U.S. Sen. Dick Durbin (D-IL) announced last week that he plans to hold the first ever Congressional hearing on anti-Muslim prejudice and the civil rights of the Muslim American community.


Michele Bachmann: Minnesota Wild

Friday, March 25, 2011

If Representative Michelle Bachmann runs for president, one thing is certain — it will be a lively race. The Minnesota Republican is known for her use of provocative rhetoric and does not shy from controversy, outlandish statements, or blaming the media when confronted with her mistakes. 

Bachmann, a Tea Party favorite, is often compared to that other darling of the extreme right, Sarah Palin. Both have a penchant for making rather public gaffes. However while Palin often gets heat for appearing under-prepared, Bachmann never seems at all flustered, providing non-sequiters with a polished smile and an icy calm that once caused a frustrated Chris Matthews to burst out “Are you hypnotized?”

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Gideon Rose on Middle East Uprisings

Friday, March 25, 2011

Basically we didn’t think through what we want to see and that’s what we need to do now. What do you want to see in Libya at the end of the day? — Gideon Rose editor of Foreign Affa...

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Bachmann Inches Toward 2012 Run

Friday, March 25, 2011

Minnesota Republican Representative Michelle Bachmann let it be known that she is forming an exploratory committee to feel out a run for president, by posting an exclusive story leaked to CNN about her plans on her Facebook page.

While refraining from making any formal announcement, Bachmann told the people signed up as “friends” of her Facebook page that she had “read a little something on CNN,” linking to the article. The CNN article quotes an unnamed source as saying that Bachmann has been “telling everybody early summer” is when she planned to announce her candidacy, but the source feels it may happen even sooner.


Comments Roundup: Libya Intervention

Thursday, March 24, 2011

They think that if they corner [Gaddifi], and they’re able to bolster the rebels, that this is a long-term sustainable endgame. Of course we saw similar strategies in Afghanistan and ...

Comments [30]

Census Results: Poverty Rate in New York

Thursday, March 24, 2011

[T]he total number for New York City is disappointingly low according to city officials, lower than the 8.4 million they were expecting, and the chances are they’re going to challenge...

Comments [6]

Wisconsin Passes Anti-Union Bill

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Public employees across the country are reeling from what economist Robert Reich is calling a coup d’etat. In a surprise move Wednesday night, eighteen Wisconsin Senate Republicans passed a bill restricting public workers’ collective bargaining rights, over the strenuous objections of the lone Democrat present. Today the bill passed the Assembly 53-42 and is heading to Governor Scott Walker for his signature.   


Census Results: A Shake-Up in the Garden State

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Redistricting is a process which is not only arbitrary but aggravating to many people, because politicians are usually most interested in self preservation, and clearly someone in thi...

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