Each of Your Uncommon Economic Indicators

See each of the submitted stories below.

September 15, 2009 02:55:58 AM

Carol Gross




Smoke it if you got it


As I was waiting for a bus in the theater district one night, I saw a nicely dressed middle aged woman stop, look at the ground, pick up a not finished cigarette butt, stop a few steps later to get out her lighter, light the butt and smoke it.


10th Avenue, W 50 St

September 14, 2009 04:11:46 PM

Liam Arbetman




change is the easy part...


This past Sunday I tried to find a coinstar machine to sort my big jar of change. I had to try 5 different locations in Manhattan before finally finding a working machine. When I finally found one at a Food Emporium on East 32nd there were four people waiting to use it. Which makes me wonder if the others were malfunctioning due to overuse?

September 13, 2009 02:50:41 PM





Recession-Proof Jackson Heights


I hang out in clubs along Roosevelt Ave, Jackson Hts (under the 7 Train).

In the most densely-populated community in the USA, I have yet to see a shuttered storefront.

In addition to population density, many local businesses were never connected to the mainstream economy.


Roosevelt Av, Queens

September 12, 2009 11:21:49 AM

Jennifer Heckart




Banks pay peanuts


I just looked at my bank statement, and realized that I earned more money last month by picking up change off the sidewalk than I did from interest on my savings account!


2861 Broadway, New York, NY 10027

September 11, 2009 11:48:08 AM

Mort Harries




WNYC hit by the downturn?


My uncommon economic indicator:

WNYC has to use the same spot over and over and over again to promote its "uncommon economic indicators."

Times must be tough if they can't afford the time to record a new spot.

How many times do we have to hear about a 23ft ski boat filled with trash???

September 09, 2009 09:45:01 PM





Surgical "Specials"


I've tried by phone and email to get the station to withdraw their silly promo with the woman amazed to find a "special" on her husband's surgery. Even the threat to cancel my membership didn't work. Here's my Uncommon Economic Indicator-NOT: A "Special" in operating room lingo refers to those occasions when one type of procedure shows up on the schedule in an unusually high amount. Like: "It's the 10th appendectomy today, we must be having a special!" Maybe your local plastic surgeon is having a special, but your friendly neighborhood general surgeon can't give you any special on their fee for your breast or colon cancer operation-- that fee is set by your insurer. I would hope that a news organization would check the facts before spreading false ideas, and while this promo is not news, coming over and over on the air during news shows suggests it is factual- when it is not.


160 Varick St. , New York, NY 10013

September 09, 2009 07:42:27 PM

Gaye Leslie




Empty restaurants


I can't give an exact address, so many places do not have a building # on the door. The Classic Diner on Smith St near Bergen st in boerum Hill, Bkln, has a bright and interesting decor; It's medium-priced, VERY nice wait staff, but recently only 2 or 3 tables occupied in the main room, perhaps 1 or 2 more in the mostly glass-walled back room, no one out on the terrace. The Lisanne Restaurant on Atlantic by Nevins St completely gone. Downtown Atlantic restaurant betwn Hoyt & Bond Sts gone. The owners were my friends & neighbors when I lived in Boerum Hill, I don't know where they are now, we were all first names & I have a bad head for names anway. Even along Montague St in Bkln Hts, many restauratns are almost empty on w/ends, and have unbelievable lunch specials on weekdays. You wonder how long they can continue.
These are not "projects" that can go on a map, they are stories tho' about struggling businesses, hoping to survive through this bad time.

September 09, 2009 07:24:57 PM

Gaye Leslie




Closed stores


Part of Atlantic Ave in Dntn Bkln is known as Antique Alley. When I lived in Boerum Hill w/my own business, these store owners were my friends & neighbors. Recently, alas, I noticed several of them closed, my friends gone who know where. Tho' I cd not buy I loved to look into the stores, one or two had cats sleeping in the windows. There was a lovely restaurant furnished w/linen & silver from the QE2! I cd just now & then squeeze out the $ for Sun brnch w/my then 7-8 yr old son. Another friend is a realtor, who had an art gallery next door. The gallery is closed w/some sort of display in the window. I miss too the annual Best Window Decor competition, the displays were fabulous!


Atlantic Ave between Nevins & Court

September 09, 2009 06:59:57 PM

Gaye Leslie






In Downtown Bkln and in my part of Bed Stuy, I see plenty of mostly Caribbean Americans, some Latinos, w/large bags from Target, Footlocker, Dr. Jay's, Conways, Cookies almost every day, but much bigger on Fridays & Saturdays. Pehaps they're spending their stimulus checks & as much on the latest tech innovations for computers, Ipods, etc., as clothes, school supplies.


Fulton Mall, Downtown Bkln

September 08, 2009 10:43:59 PM

Gretchen Lieb




College students reluctant and/or unable to buy their books


I'm an academic librarian at an "elite" liberal arts college up the river. This year, more often than ever before, I've had students ask for help getting their textbooks from the library. Today a student said she was planning to read Angela Davis' Women, Race & Class IN the bookstore, in order to avoid paying for it. I'm going to take my own copy tomorrow and share it, of course. But this has been happening every day, and is definitely a shift both in behavior and openness about being strapped for cash.

September 08, 2009 11:20:46 AM





Need an Economic Barometer? Check These Four Indicators
Some days, the economy's dips and rises rival Coney Island's Cyclone. Here are four unusual indicators of recession and revival.

September 08, 2009 10:55:27 AM

Courtney Hirsch




Unlimited Free Wine


Irving Place, at 16th Street

September 08, 2009 10:52:58 AM

Courtney Hirsch




Space Available


10th Avenue, at 18th Street

September 07, 2009 10:42:37 AM

Paul Ruffin




Illegal Apartments


I am staying at my sister's house for a while, in an upscale NYC suburb. Her neighborhood consists of large, single family homes on minimum 2 acre lots. I was surprised to learn that a majority of her neighbors have tenants and often have added separate entrances to their homes to accommodate the tenants. This is understandable considering that many homeowners here are 'empty nesters'. There are few or no children in this area, most of the tenants are childless, single or divorced adults. These rentals are illegal but seem to be common knowledge. The neighbors understand or empathize - the tenants work, are quiet and for the most part, childless. Income is provided to the homeowner and affordable housing to the tenant, but I had no idea how widespread the practice is in this particular town and neighboring towns.

September 06, 2009 10:18:23 PM





Drove to Pittsburgh


with my family for a bat-mitzvah and the whole way there and back it seemed like one in two billboards on the side of the road were advertisements for advertising on billboards.


PA, NJ Turnpikes

September 01, 2009 03:52:05 PM

Adam Watson




Lunch Savings


I thought I was biggest cheap skate yesterday when, with great restraint, I split my $8 Thai food lunch into two $4 portions. Leaving the the leftovers in the office fridge. But the coworker who stole it takes the prize!


130 W57th Street

September 01, 2009 02:12:31 PM





Out of State Plates


Walk around my block and you will find 40-50% of the cars are registered outside of New York. A recent survey - Texas, Nebraska, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Rhode island, Massachusetts, Connecticut, New Jersey, New Mexico, Maine, New Hampshire, Florida, tons from Pennsylvania (that is a recent pehnomena), Maryland - What gives?


44th Street, Sunset Park

September 01, 2009 01:59:18 PM

Rebecca Wright




increased student babysitter supply


Every Fall, I advertise on the NYU job boards looking for a babysitter for my son. In the past, after posting my position, I typically got around 5 responses during the course of the following week or so, primarily from NYU undergraduate students. This year, I received a dozen responses in the first day, and they are still coming in. This year's responses also include more students in NYU's graduate and professional programs who already have a bachelor's degree.


19 W. 4th St, New York, NY

September 01, 2009 01:25:36 PM

Ruth Olsen




My Junk Mail Has Changed


Every morning I have my first cup of coffee and check my email, spending a few minutes deleting the spam that seeps in, no matter what preventive steps I take.

This mornig, I realized that since the tanking of the economy, my junk mail has changed drastically. When times were good, the common thread was porn: from great ways to meet 'swingin' singles' to exciting offers for viagra and other medical or physical ways to enhance me.

Now, I get almost none of these; instead I am deluged with offers to refinance my mortgage, pay down my credit cards, make bundles of money online in practically no time -- and something brand new in the last few weeks: offers for amazing savings in health care!

I guess as goes the country, so goes the spam!


7004 Boulevard East (26F), Guttenberg, NJ

August 28, 2009 12:54:08 AM

Emily Williams




Code Shred?


Walked past a large industrial "Code Shred" truck parked outside of the Federal Reserve building this evening. I guess everyone is in need of cheap and speedy "document shredding solutions" sometimes...


Financial District