September 07, 2009 10:42:37 AM

Paul Ruffin




Illegal Apartments


I am staying at my sister's house for a while, in an upscale NYC suburb. Her neighborhood consists of large, single family homes on minimum 2 acre lots. I was surprised to learn that a majority of her neighbors have tenants and often have added separate entrances to their homes to accommodate the tenants. This is understandable considering that many homeowners here are 'empty nesters'. There are few or no children in this area, most of the tenants are childless, single or divorced adults. These rentals are illegal but seem to be common knowledge. The neighbors understand or empathize - the tenants work, are quiet and for the most part, childless. Income is provided to the homeowner and affordable housing to the tenant, but I had no idea how widespread the practice is in this particular town and neighboring towns.