September 01, 2009 01:25:36 PM

Ruth Olsen




My Junk Mail Has Changed


Every morning I have my first cup of coffee and check my email, spending a few minutes deleting the spam that seeps in, no matter what preventive steps I take.

This mornig, I realized that since the tanking of the economy, my junk mail has changed drastically. When times were good, the common thread was porn: from great ways to meet 'swingin' singles' to exciting offers for viagra and other medical or physical ways to enhance me.

Now, I get almost none of these; instead I am deluged with offers to refinance my mortgage, pay down my credit cards, make bundles of money online in practically no time -- and something brand new in the last few weeks: offers for amazing savings in health care!

I guess as goes the country, so goes the spam!


7004 Boulevard East (26F), Guttenberg, NJ