Greg Myre

Greg Myre appears in the following:

What Really Irritates Vladimir Putin? The Magnitsky Act

Friday, July 14, 2017

The U.S. law bans Russian human rights abusers from entering the U.S. The Russian president has railed against it since Congress passed it in 2012. The act now features in the Russia investigation.


Qatar-Gulf Conflict Puts U.S. In A Bind

Sunday, July 02, 2017

The dispute has the potential to affect a key U.S. military asset, its 11,000-strong airbase in Qatar. Despite the president's "America First" policy, the U.S. now has stake in its fight against ISIS.


Once Reserved For Spies, Espionage Act Now Used Against Suspected Leakers

Wednesday, June 28, 2017

President Woodrow Wilson signed the Espionage Act to target spies during World War I. The Obama administration used it against suspected leakers, and now the Trump administration is doing the same.


FBI Continues Investigation Into Congressional Baseball Practice Shooter

Thursday, June 15, 2017

Investigators are endeavoring to answer a number of questions after James Hodgkinson opened fire on Wednesday at a baseball field where Republican congressmen were practicing in suburban Washington. Residents who saw the shooter there in recent days are also trying to understand why.


Jeff Sessions Testifies He Never Discussed Election With Russians

Tuesday, June 13, 2017

In testy exchanges with Democratic senators, the attorney general defended himself against suggestions of wrongdoing during the 2016 campaign but refused to discuss conversations with the president.


Former FBI Director Comey Testifies On Capitol Hill

Thursday, June 08, 2017

In highly anticipated testimony, Former FBI Director James Comey appears before the Senate Intelligence Committee on Thursday, a month after being fired by President Donald Trump.


Morning News Brief: Comey's Testimony, And Russians React

Thursday, June 08, 2017

In written testimony released Wednesday, former FBI Director James Comey said the president asked him to "let go" of the Michael Flynn investigation, and asked Comey for "loyalty."


Intelligence Chiefs Decline To Discuss Private Talks With Trump

Wednesday, June 07, 2017

Two intelligence chiefs testified that they've never felt pressure to take improper actions. But they declined to say whether President Trump ever asked them to downplay the Russia investigation.


What We Know About Reality Winner, Government Contractor Accused Of NSA Leak

Tuesday, June 06, 2017

Winner, a 25-year-old Air Force veteran, is accused of mailing classified material to an online news outlet. A report Monday in The Intercept details a Russian cyberattack on U.S. election systems.


50 Years On, U.S. Presidents Still Seek Elusive Peace To A 6-Day War

Tuesday, June 06, 2017

With Arab armies massed on its frontiers, Israel unleashed a lightning strike on June 5, 1967. Donald Trump is now the 10th president seeking a lasting solution to that brief war.


How The U.S. Military Used Guns N' Roses To Make A Dictator Give Up

Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Panama's dictator, Manuel Noriega, surrendered to the invading U.S. military in 1989. He holed up at the Vatican Embassy, and gave up after being subjected to days of deafening music.


Morning News Brief: Kushner And Russia Reports, Europe Tries To Go It Alone

Monday, May 29, 2017

Donald Trump has returned to the U.S. amid reports that Jared Kushner reached out inappropriately to Russia. And in Europe, after Trump's trip, U.S. allies are taking a go-it-alone approach.


What Does It Mean When ISIS Claims Responsibility For An Attack?

Wednesday, May 24, 2017

When the Islamic State says its "soldiers" carried out an attack, it doesn't necessarily mean the group planned or directed the terrorist act — or even knew about it in advance.


Manchester Bombing Is Europe's 13th Terrorist Attack Since 2015

Tuesday, May 23, 2017

The post-concert bombing is the 13th terrorist attack in Western Europe in a little over two years. This coincides with the rise of the Islamic State, which has been linked to most all the attacks.


Michael Flynn's Contradictory Line On Russia

Friday, May 19, 2017

Michael Flynn's contacts with Russia are a key part of the investigation into whether there was collusion during the presidential campaign. Here's the irony: Flynn often described Russia as an enemy.


Ex-National Security Adviser Michael Flynn Embroiled In Russia Controversy

Thursday, May 18, 2017

There's been a lot happening in Washington on the imbroglio involving Trump, Russia and the FBI. Reuters reports there were more contacts between Trump aides and Russia than previously disclosed. The New York Times reports Trump's camp was warned before the fact that Michael Flynn was under investigation, and the deputy attorney general briefed senators about all of this on Thursday.


President Trump's First Foreign Trip Will Include Red-Carpet Welcome In Saudi Arabia

Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Given the president's campaign rhetoric, Saudi Arabia seems an odd choice for his first foreign visit. But the kingdom plans a warm welcome and has invited leaders from many other Muslim countries.


Morning News Brief: Trump's Request To Comey And Sharing Intelligence With Russia

Wednesday, May 17, 2017

President Trump asked James Comey to stop investigating Michael Flynn, according to a memo Comey wrote. And Israeli columnist Chemi Shalev discusses Trump sharing intelligence with Russians.


News Brief: Trump Accused Of Sharing Classified Data, Iran Election Preview

Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Reports suggest President Trump revealed classified information about ISIS to Russian officials at a White House meeting. A view from Iran ahead of the country's presidential election later this week.


Giving Up Nuclear Weapons: It's Rare, But It's Happened

Monday, May 08, 2017

President Trump is calling on North Korea to relinquish its nuclear arsenal. History suggests that's unlikely. Only one country has built its own nukes, and then given them up.
