Greg Myre

Greg Myre appears in the following:

Trump Administration Weighs Increased Scrutiny Of Refugees' Social Media

Friday, February 24, 2017

The Obama administration began checking social media accounts of prospective Syrian refugees more than a year ago. Such steps could expand as President Trump prepares a new executive order on vetting.


New Trump Adviser H.R. McMaster Faces An Old Challenge — Iraq

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

McMaster first made his name as a captain in Iraq in 1991. Then, in 2007 he was a key figure in the "surge." Now, 26 years after he first went to Iraq, he'll be seeking a solution in his new post.


U.S. Rivals Test Trump, And So Far The Response Is Restrained

Saturday, February 18, 2017

Iran and North Korea have fired off missiles. A Russian spy ship floats off the U.S. coast. To date, President Trump's reaction has been very much from the traditional foreign policy playbook.


Inside The White House, Trump Changes His Tune On Leaks

Thursday, February 16, 2017

Leaking classified information is a crime, but it's also one of the most popular sports in Washington. Candidate Trump encouraged leaks. President Trump calls them a crime.


Flynn's Departure Adds Fuel As Trump's Russia Problem Smolders

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Russia is at the center of recurring controversies swirling around the president. Yet he has consistently taken a softer line on Russia and hasn't spelled out his plans on a range of critical issues.


Unlike Bush, Trump Invokes Terror Threat And Gets Pushback, Not Deference

Saturday, February 11, 2017

President Bush faced little resistance when he stiffened immigration rules. But after 15 years and few attacks, politicians, the public and the courts are pushing back against President Trump.


'America First': From Charles Lindbergh To President Trump

Monday, February 06, 2017

Charles Lindbergh became an instant hero when he flew across the Atlantic. But that wasn't his only moment of fame. He also created a hugely popular political movement — the America First Committee.


Trump's Immigration Freeze Faces Legal Challenges And Public Criticism

Monday, January 30, 2017

The Council on American-Islamic Relations filed suit against the Trump administration on Monday on behalf of 20 people affected by the new restrictions on travel to the U.S. Separately, protests continued around the country as opponents faulted what they called Trump's de facto Muslim ban. The White House rejected any religious dimension to the ban and cited the small number of people it has affected.


Trump Aims For Big Splash In Taking On Terror Fight

Sunday, January 29, 2017

The new president's high-profile approach to fighting terror contrasts from the quieter strategy of his predecessor. Trump's style seeks bigger gains but could also mean taking bigger risks.


Trump's Immigration Freeze Omits Those Linked To Deadly Attacks In U.S.

Friday, January 27, 2017

The White House plan names seven mostly Muslim countries, yet their nationals haven't carried out lethal attacks in the U.S. since well before Sept. 11, 2001.


At Pentagon, Trump Declares His Aim Of 'Rebuilding' The Military

Friday, January 27, 2017

The president met with the military brass and signed an executive action that calls for bulking up the military. He also signed a measure that freezes immigration from seven mostly Muslim countries.


The Shaky State Of The Islamic State

Thursday, January 26, 2017

President Trump wants complete victory over the Islamic State, which is on the defensive. But translating battlefield gains into a comprehensive political solution is still a daunting challenge.


10 Guantanamo Prisoners Freed In Oman; 45 Detainees Remain

Monday, January 16, 2017

Under President Obama, the detainee population has gone from 242 to 45. But he hasn't closed Guantanamo as pledged, and Donald Trump has called for more suspects to be sent to the prison in Cuba.


A Russian Word Americans Need To Know: 'Kompromat'

Wednesday, January 11, 2017

The Kremlin denied that it collects political dirt, known as kompromat. But disinformation, fake photos and leaked sex tapes have long been features of Russian politics.


7 Things To Know About Israeli Settlements

Thursday, December 29, 2016

West Bank settlements have expanded under every Israeli government over the past half-century. Nearly 10 percent of Israel's Jewish population now lives on land captured in the 1967 Six-Day War.


How Will Rex Tillerson Explain Exxon Mobil's 'Foreign Policy'?

Thursday, December 15, 2016

The secretary of state nominee has headed a global oil giant that has sometimes taken positions on Russia and other countries that were at odds with the U.S. government.


Bashar Assad Claims A Major Victory, But Syria's War Isn't Over

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

The Syrian leader is in his strongest position in years. He can claim control of the biggest cities, but the rebels are still a threat in the countryside and the Islamic State holds eastern Syria.


How Russia Went From Uniting To Dividing U.S. Politics

Monday, December 12, 2016

When the Soviet Union collapsed on Christmas Day 1991, it appeared Moscow would no longer dominate U.S. foreign policy. A quarter-century later, Russia has emerged as a hugely divisive presence.


For Autocrats In Need Of Statues, North Korea Is No Longer An Option

Wednesday, November 30, 2016

New United Nations sanctions against North Korea ban the export of monuments. The impoverished Asian nation has made millions by building statues for African nations.


The Big Overlap Between Trump's Global Holdings And U.S. Foreign Policy

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Trump has financial stakes in multiple countries where he'll face tough foreign policy choices. How does he separate U.S. interests from his business interests?
