Pamela Haag

Pamela Haag appears in the following:

Wealth, Presidents, and Being 'Out of Touch'

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Although his father was the first candidate to release their tax returns, the impetus for Massachussetts governor Mitt Romney making his financial life public — and the rallying cry of Gingrich-boosting Super PACs — is the assertion that Romney is too rich and therefore too out of touch to be president. Throughout the decades, Americans have elected very wealthy men to the White House without any fanfare. Yet with record rates of unemployment that many are experiencing over a period of years, the issue of class in the U.S. has gained a new significance.

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Marriage Confidential

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Pamela Haag looks at the state of marriage today and investigates why the generation of people who grew up believing they would "have it all" now have ended up disenchanted. In Marriage Confidential: The Post-Romantic Age of Workhorse Wives, Royal Children, Undersexed Spouses, and Rebel Couples Who Are Rewriting the Rules Haag writes about contemporary marriages where spouses act more like life partners than lovers, children take over the marital relationship, and where sexual fidelity and passion are constantly undermined.  She also looks at marriages that work, and how couples navigate the territories of career, money, social life, child rearing, and sex.

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