Nancy Gagnier appears in the following:
A Roadmap to End Segregation in the Suburbs
Tuesday, March 29, 2022
The South Orange-Maplewood Community Coalition on Race is working to promote racial integration in New Jersey suburbs.
Democracy's Living Room: How NJ Communities Changed Since 9/11
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
A conversation about how communities in New Jersey have changed since 9/11.
Your Anecdotal Census: Essex County
Tuesday, June 01, 2010
Robert Gebeloff, who covered demographics for the Star-Ledger until 2008 and is now at The New York Times, kicks off our conversation on Essex County's anecdotal census. Then, Mamie Bridgeforth joins to discuss how Newark has evolved over the past decade. She is chairperson of the Social Sciences Division at Essex County College, a pastor and former member of the Newark City Council. Nancy Gagnier, executive director of the South Orange/Maplewood Community Coalition on Race, talks about changes in her community's efforts to respond to the demographic shifts since the last census. And Essex County Executive Joseph DiVincenzo, Jr. shares his take on changes in the county and policy responses to them.