John V. Lindsay appears in the following:
Mayor Lindsay and Astronauts
Wednesday, June 03, 1970
Mayor John V. Lindsay honors the crew of the Apollo 13 mission at the Lincoln Center and awards the Gold Medal of the City of New York to Fred W. Haise, John L. "Jack" Swigert. He awards James A. "Jim" Lovell Jr. with a crystal paperweight.
Lindsay ...
John Lindsay speaks at Union Square on the first Earth Day
Wednesday, April 22, 1970
Mayor John V. Lindsay implores New Yorkers to be more tidy on the first Earth Day, April 22, 1970.
In a wide-ranging speech, the mayor ties the city's quality of life issues to the greater concerns of the national environmental movement. The business of pollution, he says, ...
Mayor John Lindsay Asks New Yorkers Not to Drive to Manhattan on Earth Day
Tuesday, April 21, 1970
"Good Morning! This is Mayor Lindsay. Today is Earth Day. Please do not drive your car into or near midtown Manhattan today. From 12-noon to 2 PM, 5th Avenue from 59th Street to 14th Street will be closed to automobiles and open only to pedestrians for walking and strolling. And ...
Mayor Lindsay Press Conference
Monday, April 20, 1970
The Mayor relays his best wishes to New York City's Jewish community on the eve of the beginning of Passover. He mentions his talks with the leaders of Local 32B of the building service employees and contract negotiations and makes a statement on upcoming Earth Day activities:
Press Conference: Strike of Maintenance Men of 32B-32J
Monday, April 20, 1970
Mayor John Lindsay hosts a press conference to announce that a strike of apartment house maintenance men with 32B-32J union has been temporarily averted. Landlords and representatives from the union have reached an interim agreement. The present 1967 contract has been extended for 30 days.
Landlord Representative ...
Mayor Lindsay Press Conference
Thursday, April 16, 1970
Mayor Lindsay Press Conference on budget and fiscal package,
"The fiscal package that we have agreed on today represents a major breakthrough for the big six cities and for the special needs of New York City during the intensive negotiations in Albany in the last two days. ...
Mayor Lindsay Statement Feed from CBS
Monday, April 13, 1970
Mayor Lindsay Statement:
"Good evening I'm reporting to you tonight on the budget talks between the city and the state. When these discussions began four months ago. The city as a result of mandatory increases inflation and cuts in state aid needed $750 billion to balance its ...
Trinity Church Mayor Lindsay
Friday, April 10, 1970
A meeting at Trinity Church of the attorneys who have supported Lindsay and his administration over the years. Opens with light-hearted talk including several jokes about Nixon and Agnew.
Lindsay says Nixon asked him for recommendations for the Supreme Court and he suggested his 10-year-old son. He ...
Mayor Lindsay Press Conference
Wednesday, March 18, 1970
Mayor Lindsay Press Conference
Gentlemen as you know tomorrow the community school board elections take place these are the first elections. Under the new law and they will occur in the boroughs of the Bronx, Brooklyn, Queens, and Richmond. Obviously this is terribly important to the future ...
Lindsay press conference
Sunday, March 08, 1970
Lindsay press conference
Audio courtesy of the NYC Municipal Archives WNYC Collection
WNYC archives id: 151263
Municipal archives id: T7370
Mayor Lindsay Press Conference
Tuesday, February 24, 1970
Mayor Lindsay Press Conference
Audio courtesy of the NYC Municipal Archives WNYC Collection
WNYC archives id: 151253
Municipal archives id: T7360
Mayor Lindsay Press Conference
Tuesday, February 24, 1970
Brief Mayor Lindsay press conference assuring reporters he is currently not running for higher office i.e. Governor.
Audio courtesy of the NYC Municipal Archives WNYC Collection
WNYC archives id: 151254
Municipal archives id: T7361
Mayor Lindsay Press Conference
Tuesday, February 24, 1970
Mayor Lindsay Press Conference
Audio courtesy of the NYC Municipal Archives WNYC Collection
WNYC archives id: 151255
Municipal archives id: T7362
Mayor Lindsay Press Conference
Tuesday, February 17, 1970
Mayor Lindsay makes a statment asking the city's three deputy mayors to serve as chairmen of local urban action task forces to underscore the commitment that he has to neighborhood government. The three task forces are located in Bay Ridge, Flushing/Jamaica and Park Chester/Westchester.
The mayor wants ...
Mayor Lindsay Swearing in Ceremonies
Friday, February 13, 1970
Mayor Lindsay Swearing in Ceremonies
Audio courtesy of the NYC Municipal Archives WNYC Collection
WNYC archives id: 151245
Municipal archives id: T7350
Mayor Lindsay Interviews Art Buchwald
Sunday, February 08, 1970
Lindsay talks about "a hilarious new play that has opened on Broadway called Sheep on the Runway" by Art Buchwald who joins the Mayor in the studio. Lindsay interviews Buchwald about the show and current politics and events. They then take questions from the studio audience.
Audio courtesy ...
Roger Flood retirement [and] Ramos Gomez appointment; HRA divestment of payment power
Friday, February 06, 1970
New York City Mayor John V. Lindsay makes two announcements: the appointment of Aramis Gomez as a member of the Housing Authority, and a move to take away some payment powers from the Human Resources Administration.
Mayor Lindsay announces the appointment of Aramis Gomez as a new ...
Press Conference on Appointments to the Housing and Development Administration
Tuesday, January 06, 1970
Press Conference on a Proposed MTA Fare Increase
Thursday, January 01, 1970
In this afternoon press conference, Mayor John V. Lindsay comments on a possible MTA fare increase from 20 cents to 30 cents. MTA Chairman Dr. William J. Ronan has rejected all proposals to hold the fare increase to 25 cents. Lindsay has asked him to make a presentation to the ...
Mayor Lindsay Statement on Apollo 13
Thursday, January 01, 1970
The exact date of this episode is unknown. We've filled in the date above with a placeholder. What we actually have on record is: 1970-uu-uu.
Mayor Lindsay makes a Statement on Apollo 13.
Audio courtesy of the NYC Municipal Archives WNYC Collection
WNYC archives id: 151563
Municipal archives id: T7814