Daniel H. Wilson

Daniel H. Wilson appears in the following:

Humans Under Attack in 'Robopocalypse'

Tuesday, June 07, 2011

We kicked off our summer book club last week with a discussion of what makes a good summer read. Today we discuss our first pick from Senior Producer Mary Harris. Her choice for the summer is Daniel Wilson's "Robopocalypse." From "The Jetsons" to "Star Wars" to "Wall-E," robots have long been part of the American imagination. We talk to Daniel Wilson, a trained roboticist, about how "Robopocalypse" fits into this American tradition.


Daniel Wilson on Writing 'Robopocalypse'

Tuesday, June 07, 2011


As a kid I dreamed about robots and as an adult I built them. Now, I write about them. In retrospect, it’s all the same thing: I’m dreaming up how humans and machines interact on an everyday basis.

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