Brooke Gladstone

Host, On The Media

Brooke Gladstone appears in the following:

Kosovo; Microsoft Trial; Salon IPO; ebay Ripoffs; Outdoor Magazines; Sopranos

Friday, June 11, 1999

The bombs have stopped, but now the war for hearts and minds in Kosovo and Serbia; The Microsoft antitrust trial resumes; Salon goes public; How not to get ripped off on ebay; and more.


Cyberporn Business Model; Porn as a Field of Study; Hackers vs. FBI; Journalists Jailed

Friday, June 04, 1999

Can Amazon learn from Cyberporn? Porn Studies? Richard Jewell's Revenge and Hackers v. FBI


Dead Wrestlers; Czech Reruns; Email Lives Forever; Death of Irony and Marketing

Friday, May 28, 1999

Why are pro wrestlers dying? Why are Czechs nostalgic for Communist propaganda? Will your email outlive you? Is irony dead? Is marketing dead?


“Daily Show” behind the scenes; The “Star Wars” economy; Hitchens hates Clinton; Do Mothers Think?

Friday, May 21, 1999

"Daily Show" behind the scenes; The "Star Wars" economy; Hitchens hates Clinton; Do Mothers Think?


Serb Reporters Cover NATO; Info Wars; Vonnegut on Kosovo and Genocide; Online Communities; Online Magazines; MP3

Friday, April 16, 1999

As the air war continues, what about the war on the air? I'm Brian Lehrer, host of On the Media, this week propaganda: it's use and misuse by both sides in the conflict. Also, S...


Covering Kosovo: the Personal Toll; Serb Journalist in U.S.; Harry Potter; What's an MP3?; Superimposing Ads

Friday, April 09, 1999

Harry Potter and Amazon: Teaming Up to Disrupt the Book Publishing Industry


Barnicle's Back; Can Students Work on College Radio?; All About Oscar; C-Span Turns Twenty; Frankel on The Times

Friday, March 19, 1999

All About Oscar: From the ad campaigns to the movies to the "Gay Super Bowl".


Jasper, TX Lynching Trial; Cashing in on Monica; Obits; Siskel; Broaddrick; Jackson Redux

Friday, February 26, 1999

A lynching in Jasper, Texas and the coverage of the capital punishment cases of the white supremacists who committed the crime.


Media after Monica; Who’s a Real Journalist?; British Political Sex Scandals; Sex Studies; Middle East; Jesse Jackson; Vine Radio

Friday, February 19, 1999

Has Monica coverage changed the media forever? British government sex scandals. Low-tech media in a remote Nicaraguan village. Covering the complex Middle East.


Distracted by Impeachment; Olympic scandal; Super Bowl ads; Power For Living; Elia Kazan; Lad Mags

Friday, January 29, 1999

Shhhh....Don't tell anyone there's a war going on. And are you watching the Super Bowl...or the Super Bowl ads?


Closed Impeachment Hearings?; Lott and the CCC; Impeachment for kids?; JAMA; TV Critics Convention; Ads for Search Engines

Friday, January 22, 1999

When senators debate the president's fate; Trent Lott; politics and medical journals; "Scholastic Magazine".


Impeachment Trial; NBA Lockout; Local TV; Anchorman Mayor; Springer Made Me Do It; HDTV; Reforma

Friday, January 08, 1999

The impeachment trial, the quality of local televison news, how HDTV will affect YOU, and the NBA's media-sports complex.


Bounty hunter journalism; Movie-made Christmas; Dear Virginia 1998; BookTV; Negative Advertising

Friday, December 25, 1998

The inner workings of bounty hunter journalism. Books in today's mediascape. The journalism of peace, the perfect media Christmas and the many uses of negative advertising.


Olbermann; Ira Glass; Iranian Filmmakers; NBC Endangered; Internet Report; Elvis Index

Friday, December 04, 1998

The resurrection of MS. Magazine; This American Life; Brooke Gladstone; Olbermann leaves The Big Show; the government's report on the internet; the Elvis Index.


John Glenn; GOP ads; Robert MacNeil; Sportswriting; Interactive Toys

Sunday, November 01, 1998

America watches with wonder as John Glenn blasts off decades after his NASA glory. Does America care about any other space missions? Does the press cover NASA well?


Is Microsoft a monopoly? Disney kills an ABC News story; Arresting Pinochet; Bad at numbers: Sports reporting

Sunday, October 25, 1998

What's the Microsoft trial about? Plus, Disney's ABC spikes a story about... Disney. Are sports reporters reporters who happen to be fans, or fans who happen to be reporters?


Kosovo; Can The Boston Globe Survive?; Jim Lehrer; Image vs Word; Journalism Students

Friday, October 16, 1998

No, they're not related! Brian Lehrer interviews Jim Lehrer about news judgement in the Age of Monica.


Unintended victims of Monica Madness; The Press in Frontier America; Social Advocacy in Soap Operas; Down and Dirty Campaign Advertising

Sunday, October 04, 1998

A journalist loses his job for taking a stand in favor of privacy. Socially useful soap operas. How the west was won - by pioneer newspaper editors. Is privacy dead?


Clinton's grand jury testimony; All the President’s Men; Soccer ownership; William Ginsburg; RIP local radio news?

Sunday, September 27, 1998

RIP Local Radio News? The outsourcing of radio news reporting.


Starr Report Drops; McGwire Mania; China Detains Journalists; New TV Season; Dawson’s Creek

Sunday, September 13, 1998

The Starr Report creates a feeding frenzy. Did the government publish pornography on the Internet? Should the president resign? What are children seeing and hearing?
