Ahmed Al Omran

Ahmed Al Omran appears in the following:

"Sportswashing" and Saudi Arabia's Strategy to Hold Onto Power

Friday, October 27, 2023

The role of Saudi Arabia in making peace in the Middle East, "sportswashing," and how the crown prince is perceived at home.

The Challenges Of Making A Film In Saudi Arabia

Sunday, April 28, 2013

The Saudi Arabian movie Wadjda has been on a winning streak.

The film, about a young Saudi girl who hatches a plan so she can ride a bicycle in her conservative country, has been honored at the Venice Film Festival, the Dubai International Film Festival and the Gulf Film Festival. ...


Gadhafi's Death: The View From The Arab World

Thursday, October 20, 2011

One Arab commentator asked, "Are you watching Bashar? Are you watching Saleh?" referring to the embattled Syrian and Yemeni leaders.
