Adam Clayton Powell

Adam Clayton Powell appears in the following:

New York in Black and White: The Sixties, Civil Rights and the Ocean Hill-Brownsville Crisis

Thursday, January 27, 2000

WNYC's John Rudolph delves into the 1968 crisis that sprung from school reform and still affects the city.


Manhattan Borough President Harlem Revitalization Plan

Friday, January 21, 1966

Constance Baker Motley discusses the third point in her seven-point plan to revitalize Harlem.


Representative Powell and Senator Greenwood on the Election

Thursday, November 06, 1952

Powell upon reelection in 1952.


Rev. Adam Clayton Powell, Jr.

Saturday, January 01, 1949

The exact date of this episode is unknown. We've filled in the date above with a placeholder. What we actually have on record is: 1949-uu-uu.

Rev. Adam Clayton Powell delivers a PSA for a venereal-disease eradication campaign.

WNYC archives id: 67827


George Hicks interviews syphilis patients

Saturday, January 01, 1949

The exact date of this episode is unknown. We've filled in the date above with a placeholder. What we actually have on record is: 1949-uu-uu.

George Hicks interviews syphilis patients
Drew Pearson expounds on syphilis facts
Tom Glazer sings syphilis jingles
Adam Clayton Powell delivers a syphilis ...


Facts about Syphilis

Thursday, January 01, 1948

The exact date of this episode is unknown. We've filled in the date above with a placeholder. What we actually have on record is: 1948-uu-uu.

Drew Pearson provides facts about syphilis.

WNYC archives id: 92538
