Erik Barnouw

Erik Barnouw appears in the following:

Erik Barnouw Interview

Thursday, December 16, 1999

Interview with broadcast historian Erik Barnouw regarding his work on the American Public Health Association venereal disease radio campaign for 1949 in conjunction with Columbi...


Censorship in Film

Saturday, February 08, 1975

Media historian Erik Barnouw and filmmaker Peter Davis discuss film censorship and whether it is getting better or worse.


A world famous doctor

Saturday, January 01, 1949

The exact date of this episode is unknown. We've filled in the date above with a placeholder. What we actually have on record is: 1949-uu-uu.

A "world famous doctor" introduces a PSA on syphilis.

WNYC archives id: 67835


A world famous authority on syphilis

Saturday, January 01, 1949

The exact date of this episode is unknown. We've filled in the date above with a placeholder. What we actually have on record is: 1949-uu-uu.

A "world famous authority on syphilis" describes syphilis for a public-health PSA.

WNYC archives id: 67826


That Ignorant, Ignorant Cowboy

Saturday, January 01, 1949

The exact date of this episode is unknown. We've filled in the date above with a placeholder. What we actually have on record is: 1949-uu-uu.

"That Ignorant, Ignorant Cowboy": A commercially-released song about a man who got syphilis but didn't realize it and thus never got cured.

Audio ...


Joe Hassel

Saturday, January 01, 1949

The exact date of this episode is unknown. We've filled in the date above with a placeholder. What we actually have on record is: 1949-uu-uu.

Joe Hassel introduces a PSA on syphilis.

WNYC archives id: 67830
