Clarissa Wei

Freelance journalist based in Los Angeles.

Clarissa Wei appears in the following:

Nonprofit Helps California's Asian-American Farmers Grow Their Businesses

Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Traditional Asian greens like crisp daikon roots for pickling are an integral part of Asian-American cultural identity. A nonprofit is helping small farmers meet high demand in Asian enclaves.


This Art Group Installs Pick-Your-Own-Fruit Parks Around Los Angeles

Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Since 2004, the group Fallen Fruit has been planting fruit trees around the city and across the U.S. Once mature, the trees produce hundreds of pounds of produce a year — all free to the public.


In California, Squid Is Big Business. But Good Luck Eating Local Calamari

Thursday, December 01, 2016

While the U.S. has a thriving squid industry, chances are the calamari you are eating made a 12,000-mile round trip before ending up on your dinner plate.


Dumpling Architecture: Redesigning Lunar New Year

Monday, February 01, 2016

Writer (and iconoclast) Jiayang Fan argues that dumplings are overrated. Can a group of architects improve the design of Lunar New Year’s beloved comfort food?

Ringing In Lunar New Year with Chef Eddie Huang and Notorious MSG

Monday, February 16, 2015

Dan tries chicken feet and a dessert soup called tang yuan with some passionate eaters who are defying stereotypes of Asian-Americans.