Sarah McCammon

Sarah McCammon appears in the following:

News Brief: Congress Talks 'Bump Stocks,' Las Vegas Latest, DACA Deadline

Thursday, October 05, 2017

The Las Vegas attack has got lawmakers talking about banning "bump stocks," which simulate automatic weapons. Also, the Las Vegas shooter's girlfriend said she didn't know of his plans.


Shooter's Girlfriend Denies Knowledge Of Attack

Thursday, October 05, 2017

Marilou Danley said in a statement that she had no idea of her boyfriend's intentions to carry out a massacre in Las Vegas. She flew back to the U.S. and has met with investigators.


For Many Women, The Nearest Abortion Provider Is Hundreds Of Miles Away

Tuesday, October 03, 2017

Abortion providers are far away for many women in the U.S., a report from the Guttmacher Institute finds. That's especially true for women in South Dakota and other states in the Upper Midwest.


Debt-Laden FEMA Is Slow To Act On Program That Buys Flooded Houses

Wednesday, September 27, 2017

With the help of federal flood insurance, many homeowners will rebuild after disasters. Some properties already have flooded many times. It'd be cheaper to buy owners out, but that's not happening.


Looking 'Beyond The Big House' And Into The Lives Of Slaves

Wednesday, September 13, 2017

A new house tour bypasses Charleston's antebellum mansions and takes visitors directly to the quarters where enslaved people lived and worked.


Some Liberty University Grads Are Returning Their Diplomas To Protest Trump

Sunday, August 20, 2017

A group of alumni from one of the nation's most influential evangelical Christian universities is condemning their school's president for his continued alignment with President Trump.


Charlottesville Looks To Move Forward From Violent Protests

Monday, August 14, 2017

White marchers carried swastika flags and chanted racist slogans. Counterprotesters gathered to stage their own demonstration. A driver plowed into a group of the counterprotesters — killing a woman.


In Charlottesville, Religious Leaders Try To Comfort Residents

Sunday, August 13, 2017

In Virginia, religious leaders are trying to comfort their congregations and address the complicated racial tensions facing the city.


As Democrats Look To 2018, Abortion Emerges Divisive

Saturday, August 05, 2017

As Democrats prepare for next year's mid-term elections, some want the party to embrace abortion opponents. Others argue reproductive rights are a non-negotiable Democratic value.


How Crisis Pregnancy Center Clients Rely On Medicaid

Monday, July 24, 2017

Medicaid pays for nearly half the births in the U.S., and centers that counsel women against abortion often help pregnant women enroll in Medicaid so they don't have to worry about health care costs.


2 Years After S.C.'s Flag Came Down, Cities Grapple With Confederate Symbols

Monday, July 10, 2017

A Confederate flag came down at the South Carolina statehouse weeks after the murders of nine people at a historically black church. Such symbols continue to generate controversy.


After Centuries Of Draining This Swamp, The Government Now Wants To Save It

Monday, July 03, 2017

Hundreds of years after George Washington first began draining the now-112,000-acre Great Dismal Swamp in southeastern Virginia, biologists are working to restore it to a more natural environment.


Health Care Questions Enter Virginia Governor's Race

Sunday, July 02, 2017

Virginia Republican gubernatorial nominee Ed Gillespie is getting questions about health care on the campaign trail. His Democratic rival, Ralph Northam, is also making it a campaign issue.


Colonial Williamsburg Cuts Jobs To Reduce Growing Debt

Thursday, June 29, 2017

Colonial Williamsburg President and CEO Mitchell Reiss says the museum's foundation has been losing millions of dollars a year and was more than $300 million in debt at the end of 2016.


Same-Sex Marriage Support At All-Time High, Even Among Groups That Opposed It

Monday, June 26, 2017

Nearly half of Republicans and more than half of African-Americans now express support for same-sex marriage, according to a new report from Pew. Here are six takeaways from the report.


When Sleeping In The Car Is The Price Of A Doctor Visit

Tuesday, June 20, 2017

The Remote Area Medical charity holds dozens of free health clinics each year. Low-income patients waited in their cars and on blankets for the clinic to open one recent Saturday morning.


Can The Trump Brand Win State Elections, Too?

Tuesday, June 06, 2017

Virginia's gubernatorial primary is serving as an early test of whether state candidates adopting President Trump's brand can win. One candidate there is campaigning to "Take Back Virginia."


50 Years Ago, A Network Of Clergy Helped Women Seeking Abortion

Friday, May 19, 2017

Before Roe v. Wade, a network of clergy helped counsel women seeking abortions and sometimes helped them find abortion providers. Some of them are gathering in New York this weekend to mark the 50th anniversary.


In Southeastern Virginia, Trump Supporters Weigh Recent Scandals

Thursday, May 18, 2017

In a week of extraordinary events, Trump supporters in southeastern Virginia share their views of his presidency and the continuing controversies.


Receptive Audience At Liberty University Praises Trump's Accomplishments

Monday, May 15, 2017

President Trump gave the commencement address at Liberty University. School President Jerry Fallwell, Jr., and members of the evangelical university community share thoughts on Trump's time in office.
