Richard Ford appears in the following:
Novelist Richard Ford on 'Let Me Be Frank With You'
Tuesday, November 18, 2014
Pulitzer Prize-winning novelist Richard Ford discusses his latest novel in the Frank Bascombe series. Ford explains what he’s learned from his most famous character.
Richard Ford's Favorite Character Deals with the Aftermath of Sandy in Fiction
Tuesday, November 11, 2014
In the novelist's new collection of stories, Let Me Be Frank with You, he brings back his protagonist Frank Bascombe in the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy.
Richard Ford's Canada
Wednesday, June 06, 2012
Richard Ford discusses his latest novel, Canada. It’s about what happens to a teenage boy after his parents are arrested for robbing a bank and he moves across the border to Canada.
Richard Ford
Friday, August 10, 2007
He’s not the type of novelist who cranks out a new book every year. Ideas marinate in Richard Ford’s mind for years –- sometimes 50 years -- before they surface in his stories. Ford spent so much time gathering material and reworking the manuscript of his latest novel, The ...