Michele Kelemen

Michele Kelemen appears in the following:

John Kerry, A 'Recovering Politician,' Settles Into Diplomatic Role

Wednesday, March 06, 2013

Secretary of State John Kerry describes himself as a recovering politician. He's just getting used to the fact that he can't speak quite as freely as he did when he was a senator.

"Each word means more, each relationship is played differently," he said in an interview with ...


Overseas Trip A Road Test For Secretary Of State Kerry

Sunday, February 24, 2013

One dominant theme of the trip will be how to resolve the crisis in Syria, where an estimated 70,000 people have been killed over the past two years. Kerry is portraying his first tri...


U.S., Russia Try To Find Common Ground On Syria

Thursday, December 06, 2012

The Americans and the Russians have been at odds over Syria since the fighting began 20 months ago. But there's a sense of urgency now as the regime of Syrian President Bashar Assad looks increasingly unstable.


Obama Defends U.N. Envoy Amid Republican Attack

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Leading Republican senators are vowing to block U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice from becoming secretary of state if President Obama nominates her. They are hammering her for the way she ch...


Final Debate: Horses, Bayonets and More

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

President Obama and Mitt Romney traded barbs over Libya, Egypt, Iran, military spending, and more. Michele Kelemen, NPR correspondent covering diplomacy and the foreign desk, discusses last night's final debate.

→ Post-Debate Resources: Transcript and Audio | AP Fact-Check |  Live Chat Transcript

→ Greene Space Event Tonight: WNYC's Caitlin Thompson, Anna Sale and Andrea Bernstein Talk Elections with Farai Chideya | Tickets and Info

Watch Video Highlights and the Full Debate Below


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Mideast Violence Prompts Calls For New U.S. Policy

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Recent anti-American protests in the Middle East have stoked debate over what the U.S. role in the region should be. The Obama administration says the U.S. will continue to engage wit...

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U.S., Israel Divided Over 'Red Line' For Iran

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is stepping up pressure on the Obama administration to draw clear red lines when it comes to Iran's nuclear program. But Israeli and U.S. obs...

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Inciting Outrage, Film Spurs Delicate U.S. Response

Friday, September 14, 2012

The State Department is mourning those killed in the violence in Libya, while trying to calm the storm the anti-Islamic video has caused — add to that, standing by free-speech princip...


Often Isolated, Iran Hosts Huge International Summit

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Iran is in the spotlight this week as it hosts a summit of nonaligned nations. U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon is attending, ignoring the advice of Israel and the U.S., which have ...


For Chinese Dissidents, Exile Can Mean Irrelevancy

Monday, May 21, 2012

Chinese activists have often fallen off the radar after leaving their homeland. Activist Chen Guangcheng is now safely in America, but hopes he can still play a role in China, where h...

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Longtime Allies, Egypt And U.S. Now Have Differences

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

For many years, top Egyptian officials coming to Washington could expect a warm welcome, with few points of contention.

But for a group of Egyptian generals now in the U.S., several points of friction are likely to dominate the agenda between the longtime allies.

Egypt doesn't like the new conditions ...


Palestinian Plan Puts U.S. In A Bind

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

The Palestinians are frustrated with the absence of progress toward Middle East peace, and are taking their cause to the United Nations next week. But the U.S. opposes the move, sayin...
