Michael Sullivan

Michael Sullivan appears in the following:

The Thai Protest That's Straight From 'The Hunger Games'

Wednesday, June 04, 2014

Opponents of last month's coup in Thailand have adopted the three-finger salute from The Hunger Games movies and books as their symbol of resistance to the military takeover. The protests so far have been relatively small. But they seem to be, well, catching fire.

Photos of protesters defiantly ...


Thai Military Says Coup Necessary To Restore Order

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Two days ago, Thailand's military declared martial law. The army chief went on television on Thursday to say that he'd changed his mind, and the army is taking control of the government.


In A Bid To End Political Impasse, Thai Army Imposes Martial Law

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Thailand's army imposed martial law overnight, as the country's political crisis continues to deepen. Journalist Michael Sullivan reports on the crisis from Bangkok.


Military Declares Martial Law In Thailand

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

The declaration by Thailand's army happened less than two weeks after the prime minister was thrown out of office by the country's Constitutional Court. The army says it needs to keep order and peace.


Thai Economy May Become Victim Of Political Unrest

Thursday, May 15, 2014

The political crisis in Thailand has escalated since the country's top constitutional court ousted Yingluck Shinawatra as prime minister. Amid political deadlock, there are fears of economic disaster.
