Greg Myre

Greg Myre appears in the following:

PHOTOS: Gunmen Attack A Hotel In Mali

Friday, November 20, 2015

Gunmen burst into the Radisson Blu hotel in Mali's capital of Bamako on Friday and took some 170 guests and staff members hostage. There are casualties, but many details are murky. (We're following the story on the Two-Way Blog.)

Mali has been unstable in recent years, with radical ...


China's Muted Response To ISIS' Killing Of A Chinese Citizen

Thursday, November 19, 2015

China's President Xi Jinping has condemned the Islamic State for killing a Chinese man held hostage by the extremist group. But in keeping with China's long-standing policy of not intervening in distant conflicts, he did not specify what action, if any, China might take.

ISIS said in its online magazine ...


Why ISIS Looks Very Different Today Than A Month Ago

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

The Islamic State's claim of responsibility for a trio of major attacks, including the assault on Paris, has led to a rapid reassessment of the extremist group and its aspirations.

Until a couple of weeks ago, ISIS appeared focused on building its self-declared caliphate, or Islamic empire, in its core ...


By The Numbers: The Paris Attacks And ISIS

Monday, November 16, 2015

The Islamic State attacks in Paris last Friday added to the growing list of deadly attacks the extremist group has claimed outside its core territory of Syria and Iraq.

ISIS has been linked to dozens of attacks in multiple countries over the past year. Here's a look at some of ...


Has The Islamic State Overreached?

Sunday, November 15, 2015

Extremist Islamist groups often choose between two options: controlling territory locally or carrying out terrorist attacks abroad. In claiming responsibility for the Paris attacks, the Islamic State has made clear it thinks it can do both.

Traditionally it's been an either-or choice for extremist groups because it's so difficult to ...


5 Ways To Look At The Paris Attacks

Saturday, November 14, 2015

Since emerging as a powerful force two years ago, the Islamic State had focused its energies on building its self-proclaimed caliphate in the Middle East. The carnage in Paris, for which the group has claimed responsibility, demonstrated it can unleash a ferocious, coordinated assault far from its home ...


Rescued By Russia: Many Are Promised, Few Are Saved

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Russia's military intervention in Syria is intended as a lifeline for Syria's beleaguered President Bashar Assad. Yet the Kremlin's track record on bailing out floundering leaders is largely a litany of failure.

Over the past quarter-century, Moscow's proteges, clients and allies have often lost power, and sometimes their lives, despite ...


Pledging To End Two Wars, Obama Finds Himself Entangled In Three

Thursday, October 15, 2015

President Obama entered the White House with a pledge to bring home U.S. troops from two major wars. Now it looks almost certain he will leave office with U.S. forces engaged in three ongoing conflicts: Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan.

Throughout his tenure, Obama's impulse has been to shrink the U.S. ...


Here's Where Refugees Actually Wind Up

Saturday, October 10, 2015

Given the flood of migrants into Europe this year, one might think that continent is the main destination for those fleeing the miserable conditions in their homelands in North Africa and the Middle East.

But as the charts on this page show, migrants, refugees and asylum-seekers overwhelmingly take shelter in ...


Hey, Wasn't The U.S. Supposed To Stop Fighting In Afghanistan?

Wednesday, October 07, 2015

U.S. troops in Afghanistan lowered the flag and boxed up their gear at the end of last year as President Obama declared the formal end to 13 years of U.S. combat operations.

As far as most Americans were concerned, that brought down the curtain on the ...


The Migrant Crisis, By The Numbers

Tuesday, September 08, 2015

The migrant crisis in Europe and the Middle East lurches from one drama to the next by the day. First it's a rickety boat floundering in the Mediterranean. Next it's a new surge of migrants landing on European shores. Suddenly it's thousands of refugees stranded in an unwelcoming Hungary.

The ...


A Viral Syrian Moment: Will It Be Different This Time?

Saturday, September 05, 2015

A single photo of a drowned Syrian child shocked the world's conscience this week and focused international attention on a conflict that has left a quarter million dead and sent 4 million fleeing in the past four years.

But beyond the powerful emotional impact and a surge in aid ...


25 Years In Iraq, With No End In Sight

Sunday, August 02, 2015

It started so well. When Saddam Hussein's Iraq invaded Kuwait on Aug. 2, 1990, the United States swiftly cobbled together a broad coalition, unleashed a stunning new generation of air power and waged a lightning ground offensive that lasted all of four days. Iraqi troops were so desperate to quit ...


The Iranian Nuclear Deal: What Happens Next?

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

The Iranian nuclear negotiations were hugely complicated. If you understood them, even vaguely, congratulations.

Now that there's a deal between Iran and six world powers, there's a whole new set of issues to master. Iran is obligated to scale back its nuclear program, inspectors will be poking around to ensure ...


How The Iran Nuclear Deal Could Reshape The Middle East

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Is it a good deal?

President Obama and his detractors are headed for a ferocious debate on this question following the nuclear agreement announced Tuesday in Vienna between Iran and six world powers.

The evidence likely will trickle in over an extended period. What's certain is that the narrow and ...


Greece By The Numbers

Wednesday, July 08, 2015

The Greek crisis is messy and complicated, filled with nebulous terms being casually tossed around. Most every story has obligatory mentions of "austerity," "bailouts" and "capital controls," but it can be difficult to determine what, precisely, all that jargon means.

So let's stick to the numbers. Here's a primer on ...


What's Next For Greece?

Monday, July 06, 2015

Greeks waved flags and danced in the streets after they overwhelmingly voted to reject further austerity measures from their international creditors. But now comes the reckoning, as Greece faces the realities of an economy out of money and creditors out of patience.

Here are some of the fundamental questions:

When ...


Afghan Schools: Is The Success Story Exaggerated?

Thursday, June 18, 2015

In Afghanistan's rough and ragged reconstruction, one of the most frequently cited bright spots has been the surge in Afghan kids going to school.

When the Taliban were ousted in 2001, fewer than 1 million Afghans were in the classroom, and a minuscule number were girls. In recent years, the ...


A Report Card On Global Cooperation: Decent On Iran, Lousy In Syria

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

The past year has been a bleak one in global affairs: The relentless carnage in Syria. Russia's annexation of Crimea. The Ebola outbreak in West Africa.

Is there anything to applaud?

The coordinated international pressure on Iran, which has led to detailed negotiations on the country's nuclear program, was one ...


Just Before Deadline, Israel's Netanyahu Forms New Government

Wednesday, May 06, 2015

With a deadline looming Wednesday night, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu cobbled together a new coalition government that gives him the bare minimum of parliamentary seats needed to govern, according to news reports.

The deal assures Netanyahu of a fourth term as prime minister, but it is not the ...
