Flight Time Lang

Harlem Globetrotter

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Guest Picks: Flight Time Lang

Friday, February 17, 2012

Harlem Globetrotter Flight Time Lang was on the Lopate Show recently, along with teammate Tiny Sturgess. He revealed his love of chili dogs. Find out what else he's a fan of!


Harlem Globetrotters Tiny Sturgess and Flight Time Lang

Friday, February 17, 2012

Harlem Globetrotters Tiny Sturgess and Flight Time Lang talk about their basketball careers. The Globetrotters are playing in the New York area February 17-20. Flight Time Lang is an admitted reality TV junkie, and he and teammate Big Easy Lofton had an exciting ride on two seasons of the Emmy Award-winning series, “The Amazing Race.” Tiny Sturgess is the tallest professional basketball player in the world.

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