Emilie Rowan

Emilie Rowan appears in the following:

Soundtracking Surgery

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Many surgeons listen to music while they work, saying it helps them relax and concentrate. But earlier this year, Dr. Claudius Conrad, an accomplished pianist and a senior surgical resident at Massachusetts General Hospital, scientifically tested how music affects surgeons, their patients, and even relatives in the waiting room. Earlier this year, he told us about his research. We were also joined by Emilie Rowan, coordinator of cardiac integrative medicine at Morristown Memorial Hospital in New Jersey.

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Soundtracking Surgery

Friday, January 08, 2010

Many surgeons listen to music while they work, saying it helps them relax and concentrate. But now Dr. Claudius Conrad, an accomplished pianist and a senior surgical resident at Massachusetts General Hospital, is scientifically testing how music affects surgeons, their patients, and even relatives in the waiting room. He tells ...

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