CAB MINUTES: April 2011

Listen to CAB meeting: April 21, 2011

CAB meeting, 4/21/11

Held at Jerome L. Greene Space, New York, NY.

Host: Elinor Fuchs (WNYC CAB member, author, professor)

Guest: Margaret Morganroth Gullette (author of Agewise)

The meeting, which was a public forum on aging, consisted largely of a conversation between Ms. Fuchs and Ms. Morganroth Guliette, with questions and comments from the public being accepted afterwards. The meeting ran from approximately 7:05PM-8:45PM. Meeting notes produced by Ilene Richman.


CAB members in attendance included:

Basya Mandel, CAB chairperson

Matt Bancroft

John DeWitt

Shavonne R. Johnson

Renee Cherow-O’Leary

Ken Stewart

Alfred Friedland

Michelle K. Reed

Joyce Lannert

Basya Mandel began the meeting by explaining the function of the CAB to the audience. She then introduced Ms. Fuchs and Ms. Morganroth Gullette. Ms. Fuchs then began the conversation. The program was recorded by a WNYC staff member.


CAB meeting, 4/21/11


Held at Jerome L. Greene Space, New York, NY.



            Elinor Fuchs (WNYC CAB member, author, professor)


            Margaret Morganroth Gullette (author of Agewise)


The meeting, which was a public forum on aging, consisted largely of a conversation between Ms. Fuchs and Ms. Morganroth Guliette, with questions and comments from the public being accepted afterwards. The meeting ran from approximately 7:05PM-8:45PM. Meeting notes produced by Ilene Richman.



CAB members in attendance included:

Basya Mandel, CAB chairperson

Matt Bancroft

John DeWitt

Shavonne R. Johnson

Renee Cherow-O’Leary

Ken Stewart

Alfred Friedland

Michelle K. Reed

Joyce Lannert



Basya Mandel began the meeting by explaining the function of the CAB to the audience. She then introduced Ms. Fuchs and Ms. Morganroth Gullette. Ms. Fuchs then began the conversation. The program was recorded by a WNYC staff member.

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