January 29, 2009 03:01:59 PM





Movin' On Up Smackdown


Myself and a co-worker were laid off last week and my boyfriend's firm laid off a dozen people. My boyfriend and I noticed that like us, everyone laid off was in their 40s.

After spending two decades working 50-hr weeks and sacrificing to get ahead in the company we finally reached a point where we don't have to worry how were we would make this month's rent. We make less than $100K, but can live comfortably; no more skipping meals in order to afford a new pair of shoes and we can take a modest trip during that meager 2 week vacation we get.

I was told that I was being laid off because I was paid, "so much more" than other people in my department.

My twenty years of dedicated hard work and institutional experience mean nothing when companies can pay some 20-something (who's willing to work long hours without pay to "get ahead") $20K less than those of us 20 years older.

That supposed $20K saved from eliminating my position isn’t going to stop the company from going bankrupt; its simply going to be portion of some executive’s bonus.

Executives never sacrifice anything but those below them.


Vanderbilt Ave, Brooklyn