January 31, 2009 05:30:46 PM

Catherine Ryan




The Economy is Trucked Up


My husband and son got free tickets to the "MonsterJam" Monster truck rally at Izod Center in East Rutherford, NJ. and discovered an uncommon sign of the times. The trucks all had evil sounding names: Gravedigger, El Toro Loco, Madusa (CQ), and I'm guessing this was a new addition - "The Broker." As its logo: a skull in a fedora. It was greeted with a mixture of boos and cheers. My son took this picture using my phone just as it entered. It was apparently no match for the others as The Broker went belly up (like the economy) and on its first attempt to jump a pile of cars. Attempts to bail it out and get it restarted were unsuccessful. It could not even drive out of the arena and had to be moved with a giant forklift.


Izod Center, East Rutherford, NJ