February 26, 2010 09:09:19 PM

Gaye Leslie




Sprucing up a smaller office


I work for a solo practitioner atty on Court St in Downtown Brooklyn. There are about a dozen such attorneys in this office suite. Things have slowed a bit for all of them. So we are reshuffling the rooms and the central open area: my boss is moving into a smaller office, I am moving to a smaller desk outside his room; the others are moving around. Building management has approved and is taking this chance to do new carpet, some painting, incl. reception space, cleaning outside of windows, etc., as they u/stand the importance of appearance. We are all doing masses of discarding/shredding of old files to also improve appearances. My boss & I are same generation, he a couple of years older, we have similar memory problems,so the only danger to me of becoming unemployed is if he decides finally to work at home, coming Downtown only when strictly necessary to meet clients. Several of the other attys do the same. He might keep me on for a couple of days a week, to keep the paperwork under control. Most of his contact w/clients has for some time nw been by email, & the courts decided a couple of years ago to accept ems as acceptabe legal records, and fax signatures as originals. Can't attach photo, don't have capability on my computer. GL


26 Court Street, Booklyn, 11242