Note to Self

with Manoush Zomorodi

Your guide to an accelerating world.

  • New Year. Same Old You.

    Jan 4, 2017
    Can we start fresh when every step, nap, and calorie are measured? If even a hard-core coder fails at a tech-enabled diet, maybe we need a new way to optimize our quantified selves.
  • Go Ahead. Miss Out.

    Dec 28, 2016
    FOMO is real. And it's amplified during the holiday season when party glam shots and scrumptious food pics are everywhere. So let's embrace a little JOMO (Joy of Missing Out) instead.
  • Messages From the Beyond

    Dec 21, 2016
    How one mom battling cancer is setting up messages for her kids to get after she's gone. And what her kids think about this digital legacy. 
  • Meet the Textalyzer... and Our Next Big Project

    Dec 14, 2016
    If police smell booze on you behind the wheel, you'll be handed a breathalyzer. But how do they measure clicks and swipes? Plus, a sneak peek at our next big listener project. 
  • Distracted Is the New Drunk

    Dec 7, 2016
    Back in the ‘90s, primetime shows made us all care about drunk driving. Now, we need to stop texting on the road. But we don't watch TV like we used to. So who’s the new influencer? 
  • Tech Under Trump

    Nov 30, 2016
    What data do the feds have on us? Should we encrypt everything? How do we make a tinfoil hat again? This week, privacy and social media in the Trump era. 
  • Shaking Up Your Echo Chamber. For Democracy.

    Nov 29, 2016
    We click on things we agree with already. Here are concrete steps to get out of our comfort zone and find new people, opinions, and voices online. With minimal ick factor.