George Kassai

George Kassai appears in the following:

No Contract, No Cookies: The Stella D’Oro Strike

Tuesday, July 05, 2011

Michael Filippou, a shop steward featured in the film “No Contract, No Cookies: The Stella D’Oro Strike, andGeorge Kassai, a former Stella D'Oro baker, talk about the divisive strike at the Stella D’Oro factory in the Bronx. In 2006, Stella D’Oro was bought by Brynwood Partners, a private-equity firm that boasts of giving its investors a 30% return, and it demanded bakers accept wage cuts of up to 30%. The workers went on strike. After a long legal battle, the strike came to an end, but the owners responded by selling the business to a non-union plant in Ohio, and today the Bronx factory is closed. “No Contract, No Cookies” is directed by Jon Alpert and Matt O'Neill, and it premieres July 6 on HBO2.

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