Ann Fensterstock

Art historian and a collector who serves on boards and committees at several museums and nonprofits in New York City and Washington. Author of Art on the Block: Tracking the New York Art World from SoHo to the Bowery, Bushwick and Beyond(Palgrave Macmillan, 2013)

Ann Fensterstock appears in the following:

Art and Real Estate in NYC

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

From midtown to SoHo through Bushwick, Ann Fensterstock traces the history of NYC's contemporary art scene and asks why the art world is so nomadic. She explored how the art market interacts with the real estate market, how medium can dictate space, cultural and political factors, and other reasons why artists and galleries have moved so much in the past 50 years. Ann is an art historian as well as a collector who serves on boards and committees at several museums and nonprofits in New York City and Washington. She is also the author of the new book Art on the Block: Tracking the New York Art World from SoHo to the Bowery, Bushwick and Beyond.

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