McKay Coppins

McKay Coppins appears in the following:

Dirty Laundering

Friday, July 26, 2013

This week, the gossip website The Dirty posted screenshots of explicit chats between an anonymous woman and New York City mayoral candidate Anthony Weiner. Even though the legitimacy of the screenshots could not be confirmed, other news outlets ran the information, and within hours Buzzfeed had identified and named the woman in the chats. Brooke talks to McKay Coppins, Buzzfeed's political editor, about reporting, transparency, and veracity.

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Should Republican Politicians Quit their Fox Addiction?

Friday, December 14, 2012

With the fiscal-cliff fight in its umpteenth week, Republicans want House Speaker John Boehner to sell his fiscal cliff solutions outside the safe confines of Fox News. Buzzfeed's McKay Coppins talks to Brooke about the GOP strategists who want their party to diversify their media appearances.

Archers of Loaf - Mark Price P.I.

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A Mormon Reporter on the Romney Bus

Friday, November 16, 2012

Buzzfeed reporter McKay Coppins followed Mitt Romney during the 2012 presidential election. Like Romney, Coppins is a practicing Mormon, although he never actually told anyone in the Romney family that he shared their faith. Brooke talks to Coppins about how his faith and his reporting intersected, and why the Romney campaign saw his religion as a liability. 

Yo La Tengo - On Our Way to Fall

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