Krystle Murray

I was born in Brooklyn. The things that interest me are music, photography and radio. I spend my time playing the piano and I am learning how to play guitar. My plans for the future are to go into radio, be a doctor or play music for the rest of my life.

I live in Brooklyn, it’s an okay neighborhood except some people break glass on the street by where I live. But otherwise people are about each other.

The interesting fact about me is that I am a people person and someone you can talk to or depend on.

Recorder: Krissy
Krissy is reliable, kooky, and a good listener.

(Note: Each Rookie named his/her equipment as a way to feel more at ease with the technology.)

Krystle Murray appears in the following:

Home Alone

Monday, December 08, 2008

Krystle Murray spent much of her childhood at school or in the care of babysitters, who watched her while her single mom worked full time at a law firm and went to college at NYU. 

Comments [2]

Dealing With Loss

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Krystle Murray has lost a lot of people in her family in the past few years and she’s been struggling to understand their deaths. 
