Jessica Friedman Hewitt

Jessica Friedman Hewitt appears in the following:

Ballot Designs Across the Country Ten Years After 'Hanging Chads'

Tuesday, November 02, 2010

Ballot design has been a hot button issue every election year since the controversial 2000 elections, which saw George W. Bush narrowly win the presidency. That year, many voters in Palm Beach, Florida said they voted for Al Gore, when in actuality their votes wound up counted for someone else, due to the confusing design of the butterfly ballots used there.

Now, ten years later, with the help of Jessica Friedman Hewitt, we'll look at the problems that still exist with today's ballots and how they can still be improved.

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Ballot Design

Monday, November 01, 2010

Jessica Friedman Hewitt, former managing director of AIGA's Design for Democracy, looks at the ballot that will be used in tomorrow's general election.

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The Ballot Box

Monday, September 13, 2010

Juan Carlos "J.C." Polanco, NYC Board of Elections commissioner, walks Brian through the new voting methods for tomorrow's elections. Then Jessica Friedman Hewitt, former managing director of AIGA's Design for Democracy, looks at the design of new ballot that will be used in tomorrow's New York primary.

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