Jerry Trowbridge

Co-Founder, The Autism Channel

Jerry Trowbridge appears in the following:

The Autism Channel

Friday, May 02, 2014

Launched in 2012, The Autism Channel aims covers the whole autism world. Some of the channel's hosts are on the autistic spectrum, and with autism diagnosis soaring, the station has a booming list of potential viewers. In a piece that aired in January 2013, OTM Producer Chris Neary went to West Palm Beach, the home of the channel, to investigate. (You can watch The Autism Channel through a Roku streaming player.)

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Now Covering the Autism World: The Autism Channel

Friday, July 05, 2013

Launched in late September, The Autism Channel aims covers the whole autism world. Some of the channel's hosts are on the autistic spectrum, and with autism diagnosis soaring, the station has a booming list of potential viewers. In a piece that aired in January 2013, OTM Producer Chris Neary went to West Palm Beach, the home of the channel, to investigate. (You can watch The Autism Channel through a Roku streaming player.)


The Autism Channel

Friday, January 25, 2013

On a streaming cable station that aims to cover the whole autism world, some of the channel's hosts are on the autistic spectrum.

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