Greg Allen

Greg Allen appears in the following:

After A Sour Decade, Florida Citrus May Be Near A Comeback

Sunday, December 04, 2016

Recent scientific advances have offered some hopes of recovery to Florida's citrus industry, which has been declining over two decades due to a horrible bacterial disease called citrus greening.


Versailles Restaurant Is A Mainstay In South Florida's Cuban Community

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

After Fidel Castro died last week, many Cuban-Americans gathered at Miami's Versailles Restaurant. For more than 40 years, it's been the heart of the Cuban exile community.


Cuban-Americans Mark The Passing Of Fidel Castro

Monday, November 28, 2016

Castro shaped history, not just in Cuba, but also in South Florida. Most of the 2 million Cuban-Americans are there because they, or relatives, fled the island in the decades Castro was in power.


On The Death Of Fidel Castro: The View From Miami

Saturday, November 26, 2016

In the Little Havana neighborhood of Miami, Fla., Cuban-Americans celebrated the death of Fidel Castro, the communist dictator who caused many of their families to leave Cuba.


After Criticizing Trump, Miami GOP Congressman Prepares To Work With Him

Friday, November 25, 2016

Rep. Carlos Curbelo won re-election in an area that went overwhelmingly for Hillary Clinton. Now he faces challenges in backing his constituents' interests while working with a Trump administration.


Florida Keys Approves Trial Of Genetically Modified Mosquitoes To Fight Zika

Sunday, November 20, 2016

In the Florida Keys, no cases of locally transmitted Zika have been reported, but officials have decided to go ahead with trials of a genetically modified mosquito to combat the spread of the disease.


Republican Governors Thrilled With Increased Influence In Washington

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

GOP governors are meeting in Orlando, Fla., this week to discuss how they hope to work with President-elect Trump and with their party's majority in Congress.


Across The Country, Thousands Protest Donald Trump's Victory

Thursday, November 10, 2016

Since Trump claimed victory, protests sprung up — including a march in New York to Trump Tower. There were similar marches in several cities, including Seattle, Pittsburgh, Philadelphia and Chicago.


Hurricane Matthew Took A Big Bite Out Of Southeastern States' Beaches

Tuesday, November 01, 2016

The U.S. Geological Survey finds the storm damaged 15 percent of sand dunes on Florida's Atlantic Coast, 30 percent along Georgia's coastline and 42 percent of the dunes on South Carolina beaches.


Zika May Be In The U.S. To Stay

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention now urges pregnant women to "consider postponing travel to all parts of Miami-Dade County." Zika is on the way to becoming an endemic disease in the U.S.


Zika Virus Transmission Found In A Second Area Of Miami

Thursday, October 13, 2016

Florida health officials say they have identified five cases in which people appear to have contracted Zika through mosquitoes in an area that includes Miami's Little Haiti neighborhood.


To Be An American, Says This Haitian-American, Means You Have A Voice

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Jan Mapou moved to the U.S. from Haiti nearly 50 years ago. It was important to become a U.S. citizen, he says, because as an immigrant, it makes "you feel that you are in your country."


Al Gore Joins Hillary Clinton On Campaign Trail In Florida

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton campaigned Tuesday with former Vice President Al Gore in Florida, the state where his fortunes fell in the 2000 campaign.


Hurricane Matthew Takes Aim At Florida's East Coast

Friday, October 07, 2016

The storm is expected to bring hurricane force winds and coastal flooding to communities along Florida's Atlantic coast. Described as extremely dangerous, it'll also affect Georgia and South Carolina.


Florida Residents Prepare For Arrival Of Hurricane Matthew

Thursday, October 06, 2016

Hurricane Matthew is heading toward Florida's Atlantic coast where millions of residents are preparing for its arrival. The Category 4 storm with winds up to 140 miles per hour has already caused damage in Haiti, eastern Cuba and the Bahamas.


Protesters Renew Calls To Release Police Video Of Charlotte, N.C. Shooting

Friday, September 23, 2016

In Charlotte, N.C., there are renewed calls to release video that shows Tuesday's fatal shooting of a black man by police. The family of Keith Lamont Scott saw it for the first time and asked for it be shown publicly.


Protests In Charlotte, N.C., Continue For A Third Night

Friday, September 23, 2016

Protests began after a police officer shot and killed a black man earlier this week. Charlotte's mayor imposed a midnight to 6 a.m. curfew while the city remains in a state of emergency.


Miami Neighborhood Declared Zika Free As CDC Lifts Warning

Monday, September 19, 2016

In Miami, officials touted the good news that the first area in the continental U.S. with local transmission of Zika, the Wynwood neighborhood, has had no cases for 45 days. The news comes as a second area with local Zika transmission on Miami Beach was expanded after new cases were found.


Miami Begins Using New Mosquito Trap In Zika Control Efforts

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Miami is starting to use a new technology for reducing mosquito populations that was recently approved by the Environmental Protection Agency for emergency use in areas where there is Zika. It's a type of trap that attracts females and contaminates them with a larvicide they then spread to other breeding sites.


Miami Beach Residents Criticize Pesticide Spraying In Zika Control Efforts

Wednesday, September 07, 2016

Some residents and officials in Miami Beach are angry at Miami-Dade County's decision to spray a pesticide, Naled, over an area in which mosquitoes have spread Zika. A city commissioner is proposing legal action to block it.
