Douglas P. Cooper

Douglas P. Cooper appears in the following:

Walter Lord

Wednesday, March 01, 1972

The Titanic was a fascination from youth.


Tom Lehrer

Wednesday, March 01, 1972

The nexus of math, music and humor.


Alf Landon

Tuesday, February 01, 1972

He ran for President in 1936 and was a Republican to the core.


Charles M. Schulz

Tuesday, February 01, 1972

Cartooning, like all other humor, Schulz told Charlie Rose, comes from bad things happening.


Arthur Ashe

Saturday, January 01, 1972

With books in one hand, a tennis racquet in the other...


John Newcombe

Saturday, January 01, 1972

'Women shouldn’t play after a certain age.'


Dave Brubeck

Saturday, January 01, 1972

How many people can say piano playing literally saved their life? Dave Brubeck could.


Governor Harold Stassen

Saturday, January 01, 1972

Former Minnesota Governor and perennial Presidential candidate discusses Nixon's economic and foreign policies as well as the Vietnam war and the 1972 presidential campaign.


Salvador Dalí

Saturday, January 01, 1972

Five conversations with the man who painted his dreams and said, “My capacity to paint is only an infinitesimal part of my genius."


Rod Laver

Saturday, January 01, 1972

Douglas Cooper chats with Rod Laver in the Physical Therapy Room at Trinity College, Hartford, following a high-caliber match.


Chester Bowles

Saturday, January 01, 1972

He was Roosevelt's man on keeping wartime wages and prices under control and later helped Stalin's daughter leave the Soviet Union.


Norman Rockwell

Saturday, January 01, 1972

Douglas P. Cooper meets with Norman Rockwell at Rockwell’s home in Stockbridge, Massachusetts.


James A. Michener

Saturday, January 01, 1972

Douglas Cooper interviews Pulitzer Prize-winning author James Michener.


W. H. Auden

Saturday, May 01, 1971

He said poetry makes it the better to enjoy life or to endure it and that it's our chief means of breaking bread with the dead.


Benny Goodman

Thursday, April 01, 1971

A talk with the man behind the single most important jazz concert in history: jazz's 'coming out' party to the world of 'respectable' music.


Richard Rodgers

Monday, February 01, 1971

One the world's best known show music composers talks about his collaborations with Lorenz Hart and Oscar Hammerstein.


Harry Reasoner

Friday, January 01, 1971

Low key and unflappable, Reasoner follows in a great American tradition.


Judge Mario A. Procaccino

Friday, January 01, 1971

On burglars ever in his home, "I'd blow their brains out!”


Jazz Greats Dizzy Gillespie, Tyree Glenn & Walter Thomas

Friday, January 01, 1971

The founder of Bebop with cheeks a squirrel would envy and a bent horn that made him the Ambassador of Jazz.


Don Rickles (as told by his mother, Etta)

Friday, January 01, 1971

She tells a version only she and Don could recall, including revelations he would never expose.
