Nameless Choir

Nameless Choir appears in the following:

Easter Program

Sunday, April 06, 1947

This episode is from the WNYC archives. It may contain language which is no longer politically or socially appropriate.

Songs and narration in honor of the Christian tradition of Easter, presented in the hope of "fostering a more firmly cemented interracial bond." Today's episode is a diversion from the normal ...


When the Saints Go Marching In

Friday, March 07, 1947

Producer Ken Joseph opens the show by speaking briefly about what makes a good American as a lead in to the Nameless Choir rendition of When the Saints Go Marching In and Just a...


LLewellyn Ransom

Friday, January 10, 1947

This program is missing opening. LLewellyn Ransom of the NAACP says there is nothing more un-American than segregation and discrimination. He goes on to talk more specifically a...
