December 14, 2011 08:25:15 PM



There’s a beat before the report that lasts about a year, where Bob lifts up the bottle to see if his drink exploded in the Anbar heat. Then he notices the hole in his IBA. Finally, that chagrined smile we’ve seen a thousand times with its now familiar snapshot story: “I’m a dumb-ass but I am fine.” He’s smiling, relaxed, now falling, already gone, when the sound of the shot splits the air. “Sniper!” someone yells.

Comments [2]

from "norman": where we see an arc, we have a high probability to complete it as a circle; an effective technique beyond the visual arts where the audience knows the geometry. well applied to this story.

Dec. 15 2011 06:52 PM
Demas from Lindon, Utah

Well crafted whole story military know too well.

Dec. 15 2011 11:35 AM

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