December 13, 2011 01:41:37 PM



A dreary Tuesday with intermittent drizzle. I argued about space. I had made a wide right turn to clear the library exit curb and saw the car coming from the opposite direction. I pulled over but ran out of space. I stopped and waited, then honked. She backed a little. Still, not enough. Traffic was building. More honking. This misunderstanding was launching. I walked to her car. "Can you back a little more?" She said, "No!" Launch! I walked back to my car. All doors locked, engine running and the drizzle was now a downpour. I hollered at the rain, threw my hands up, then walked back to the library. Halfway I remembered the spare key in my wallet but continued on. When I got under the library awning I counted to thirty(pretending to call AAA). When I got back to my car she'd left. All traffic too, except for a car behind me. The driver said,"I can't believe you parked in the middle of the street. I said,"Sorry, no; but it's a long story."

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