December 11, 2011 11:13:21 PM



"That was close," said the Captain calmly.
I felt fear, electric, clenching, but trying to let it go.
"Next time we won't be cutting through the belt."

He sounded confident, relaxed.
Finally I relaxed too.
"There won't be a next time for me," I said to myself.

Behind me stretched enough adventure for a lifetime.
Beside me, beyond the ship’s silver skin, lay death.
Ahead, a tiny blue dot of hope punctured the black velvet of night.

"Next stop Earth."
I'm coming home...

Comments [1]

Rick from Athens, Texas

Ok, so this Really is hard to do. I hit send on my first one and then realized I hadn't counted spaces... Who counts spaces? So I gather it will automatically be rejected. Then I had to go back and get serious about editing. Re-submitted with a few (spaces) to spare. Given I do OpEds professionally you would think it a breeze. Think again. Kudos to Mr. Beach. This should be a required lesson for writers.

Dec. 11 2011 11:36 PM

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