December 11, 2011 10:38:40 PM



A Store I Own




BloogLife is a NYC based electronic cigarette company that distributes the Bloog electronic cigarette in the greater New York area.

Electronic cigarettes are a trending item and their growing popularity is based on the fact that they taste and feel just like a cigarette, but without the countless harmful effects. Rather than burning tobacco, the Bloog eCigarette vaporizes a water-based solution that contains nicotine. Bloog offers different levels of nicotine, which allows users to monitor their intake and gradually decrease it over time. This is the most effective way to give smokers an alternative that can actually help them kick the habit. It comes in eight different colors and offers 14 different flavors, boasting its extensive customizable options.


Times Sq. Holiday Market -- 8th ave between 46th and 47th st.


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