November 30, 2011 10:57:22 AM

I've a slightly different take on this.

We don't get WNYC in Ireland where I'm from, so I didn't know about the station, let alone John's work, until I was planning a trip to the US in 2009.

I googled 'new music radio new york' and New Sounds popped up top of the list.

I dropped New Sounds an email to say I'd be in NYC if they were interested in interviewing me about my music.

John replied with a very nice email and an offer to come into the station.

When I came to the station I still had no clue about WNYC's reach and so I asked John 'So is this like a small local radio station?' to which he replied 'No. It's the biggest public radio station in the USA!'

I was both embarrassed and gob-smacked! I didn't think a big radio station like that would be interested in my music. But that's what makes John different to most broadcasters, he's open-minded and always seeking new music.

Needless to say I was very grateful to John for taking a chance on me and exposing my music to a wide audience in the USA for the first time.

When John interviewed me I was very impressed by the breadth of his knowledge. He knows more about new and old Irish music than most broadcasters in Ireland do!

I now listen in regularly online and am always discovering great music from John.

Congratulations John on 30 years of pioneering work.

Dave Flynn
Composer & Musician


Dave Flynn



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