November 17, 2011 06:53:41 AM



Armored Turnips

A medieval recipe found in Platina's "On Right Pleasure and Good Health". We eat this dish in the fall when one's thoughts turn to root vegetables. It's become a Thanksgiving favorite.

1 lb hard cheese (combination of muenster, sharp cheddar, & anything else you like. Shredded handles easiest.

2 lbs turnips (not rutabegas)
Butter to dot with


Cut tops and roots off the turnips and boil for half an hour to 45 minutes until fork tender (but not mashable)

Cool turnips, peel and slice into 1/8 - 1/4 " thick slices

Cut slices of cheddar cheese (or shred) lay them in the pans to cover the bottom.

Top with a layer of sliced turnips, sprinkle with ground mace and pepper, add a few bits of butter. Cover with slices of shredded cheese

Repeat the previous 4 steps 1-2 times or until turnips are used up. End with cheese on top

Bake in a 300-350 degree oven until hot, with cheese melted (crispy cheese at the corners according to taste).

Serve it forth and it will be good.

Share one of your favorite family recipes for a Thanksgiving side dish! Melissa Clark will pick her favorites, and if your recipe is selected we’ll invite you on the Leonard Lopate Show to talk about it with Leonard and Melissa when she’s here on November 22 at noon. The deadline for submissions is Thursday, November 17, 5 pm.

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