October 30, 2011 12:09:42 PM



New York City


Enough already with all the lame attempts to assign some sort of profundity to tattoos. Tattoos are self-vandalism, period. Much preferred is the basketball player who recently compared the defacement of his body (i.e., a tattoo) to putting a bumper sticker on a Maybach. More people should have his level of self respect.


Comments [1]

David from Texas

What is disrespect and vandalism of the self to you, Robert, is individual expression to others. The history of tattooing is long and often meaningful to entire cultures.

If we all had the same tastes and aptitudes, the world would be boring; besides, life depends on variety to thrive. With this in mind, and since this particular form of expression does no harm to you (no one is presently forcing you to be tattooed), you might relax your preaching.

Oct. 31 2011 01:23 PM

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