October 27, 2011 10:13:27 PM



North Carolina


My fifth tattoo is a reminder to myself to do what I love to do and do what I am called to do. The word is done in my husband's handwriting since he is my greatest champion and supporter. The placement of the word "Write" on my right wrist is a nod to homonyms, an acknowledgment for my dominate side that I use to write, and a reminder to derive good from the unfortunate things in my life. I had a stroke in 2008 that led to the lost of pain and temperature on my right side. The stroke was the result of my condition, which is intimal fibromuscular dysplasia—a rare version of a rare disease for which there is no cure. Today I use my writing to advocate for healthcare engagement and literacy and raise awareness of fibromuscular dysplasia world wide.


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