October 12, 2011 05:40:20 PM

Daniel Echevarria


G-Line platform (2007-2008). From the series "Advertising Underground."

For almost a decade, New York's Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA) has derived yearly revenues upwards of $100 million from the sale of advertising in its stations, trains, and buses.

The fast and expansive growth of advertising throughout MTA's transportation system may concern those who consider advertisements effective social and cultural influencers. Still, before too much credence is given to the supposed capacity of media groups to condition people, we should look at how advertisements are actually used in MTA spaces.

"Advertising Underground" explores the language of New York City subway advertising at the end of the 2000s, and it asks whether the ways in which individuals alter ads can serve to subvert their messages or even completely empty advertisements of their meanings.


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